I am a different student at the University of Arizona than I was at Oberlin.
There, I really didn't care too much what anyone thought of me or my work. I did research, took classes, did homework because I found it interesting and engaging. When I got stressed, or extenuating circumstances appeared, I slowed down. I was, to some degree, organized, but only so far as the end of that semester.
Here, what people think of me and, more importantly, my work is of utmost importance. Yes, people are awesome and supportive, but that doesn't change the fact that they are my colleagues, not just for the next few years but for the rest of my life. These people will review my books. Now I do research, take classes, do homework because I can see the direct (or occasionally indirect) impact it will have on my career. That I happen to find all of the work (with some very minimal exceptions) interesting and engaging makes that a hell of a lot easier, however. Now, when I get stressed or extenuating circumstances appear (or I need to insert a little social life back into my existence), I work through it. I CAN work through it. Although I learned a ton of great coping mechanisms growing up, one that has made a major shift has been regular meditation. I am organized, not just hour by hour in my Google calendar or week by week, but semester by semester and project by project.
And I love it.
I am balanced and bookish, professional and still a bit of a social butterfly. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
My Bday Party