Мои архитектурные требования к мышлению - это его абстрактность, адекватность, осознанность, рациональность. Я ничего не говорю о том, как устроено мышление внутри, но я требую от мышления полезного внешнего поведения на его внешней границе: мышление должно быть абстрактно, адекватно, осознанно и рационально
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Для этой же записи приведу выписки из первых двух глав The art of reasoning. Почему? -- запись о концепции "мышление" с фокусом на differentia при отсутствующем genus.
1. A single principle or set of principles should be used consistently so that the categories (species) are mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive.
2. The principle or principles used should be essential.
==Strategy, organizing concepts==
1. Find the highest-level (most abstract) genus.
2. Identify concepts that are species of that genus; they should all have the same degree of abstractness.
3. Identify the principle of division that applies to the concepts in step 2; put the principle in brackets.
4. For each concept in step 2, identify any other concepts that are its species, and identify the principle of division (the single priciiple by which the concepts has been divided into species).
5. Repeat step 4 for as many levels as necessary.
==Key terms==
Classify - to group things into species and genuses according to their similarities and differences.
Referents - the class of things for which a concept stands.
Genus - a class of things regarded as having various subcategories (its species).
Species - a class of things regarded as a subcategory of a wider class (a genus)
Mutually exclusive - in a classification, the property that each species excludes the members of every other species.
Jointly exhaustive - in a classification, the property that the species taken together cover all the objects int he genus.
==Main functions==
1. State the criteria for membership in the class of referends
2. Indicate the relationship between a concept and other concepts.
3. Condense the knowledge we have about the referents of a concept.
A definition should:
1. Include a genus and a differentia.
2. Not be too broad or too narrow.
3. State the essential attributes of the concept's referents.
4. Not be circular.
5. Not use negative terms unnecessarily.
6. Not use vague, obscure, or metaphorical language.
==constructing definitions==
1. Find the genus of the concepts-the broader concept that includes C and other, related concepts from which one needs to distinguish C.
2. Choose a differential that distinguish C from other concepts in the same genus. If there is more than one distinguishing attribute, choose the most essential one.
3. Check to make sure that the resulting definition is not circular, unnecessarily negative or unclear.
==Key terms==
Definition - a statement that identifies the referents of a concept by specifying the genus they belong to and the essential characteristics (differentia) that distinguish those referents from other members of the genus.
Genus - a class of things regarded as having various subcategories (its species).
Differentia - the element in a definition that specifies the attribute(s) distinguishing a species from other species of the same genus.
Counterexample - a specific instance that proves a definition wrong.
Stipulative definition - a stipulative definition introduces a new concept (or a new meaning for an existing concept) by specifying the criteria for inclusion in the concept.
И недаром говорится, что "определение это гробик для умершей мысли". Так, определение с differentia различно для каждого стейкхолдера, ибо разным людям нужно определять свои виды в роде: биолог даст определение тигру одно (по генам или фенотипу -- и будет долго спорить внутри себя, как надо), логист даст ему определение по размеру и весу, а мясник -- по съедобности и количеству мяса. Если это не учитывать, то сваливаешься в редукционизм. Вот инженеры все очень логичны обычно, но редукционисты.
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