May 30, 2008 10:28
I even like these tests:) So:
A is for Age:
B is for Beer of choice:
Hmmm, I like beer in general, don't have any preferred kind.
C is for Career:
Paper pusher:) Or secretary:) Or something like that. Gonna change it anyway.
D is for favorite Drink:
Carrot juice.
E is for Essential item you use everyday:
My car.
F is for Favorite song at the moment:
Can't point only one.
G is for favorite Game:
I hate games of all kinds heh.
H is for Home town:
I is for Instruments you play:
Played guitar few yeras ago but quit.
J is for favorite Juice:
K is for Kids:
None. Is cat counts??? ;)
L is for Last kiss:
M is for Marriage:
N is for full Name:
I'm not giving it here;PPP
O is for Overnight hospital stays:
Fortunately, never.
P is for Phobias:
Q is for Quote:
Since we have google, all questions became stupid;)
R is for biggest Regret:
Not studying maths hard enough!!!
S is for Sports:
T is for Time you wake up:
7 a.m. during the week, 10.30 a.m. on weekends!!!
U is for color of Underwear:
Black, pink, brown, red... no white!!!
V is for Vegetable you love:
I love almost all vegetables.
W is for Worst habit:
Permanent lack of faith in my own mental strength and skills. Well, that doesn't sound like a habit:/
X is for X-rays you’ve had:
Lungs, elbow, teeth!!! Sometimes I wonder how come I don't shine in darkness;PPP
Y is for Yummy food you make:
Best lasagna ever:)
Z is for Zodiac sign:
That's it.