frankkincense told me to :)
Things I love about Ryan:
1.- He’s an artist. He’s not the best guitar player in the world, and he doesn’t sing like Freddie Mercury, but he has a personal voice, and the kid has talent. He writes really good lyrics, because sometimes he goes for snark and meaning; others he just uses words to draw beautiful images; and other times they’re mostly nonsense, but the words just sound good. They are music.
Then there’s his aesthetic sense, always changing but always interesting. Sometimes I like it better than others, but he tries, with the stage show and his own personal style. He dares to wear make up, paint his face, have a million different haircuts. He has instinct.
2.- He’s got guts, and he has drive. Despite his weird childhood he doesn’t settle for something, he goes for what he wants as crazy as it may be or sound. I love the way he worked so hard to create the band and make it get big, how they scraped a whole album and wrote a new one that was such a big departure from Fever, and as much as it’s hurt me, now he needed to try a different sound and he went for it.
3.- His sense of humor. Most people tend to think he’s very serious, that he doesn’t care or that he’s just kind of nasty. But I think he just has a dry sense of humor, which works so very well with his monotone voice (that I love too). He has that appearance of being serious, but then he does some truly random things and he can post pictures of his wedding in Disneyworld and you don’t know if it’s true or not, because he’s just that ridiculous!
4.- He’s a good person. And although he’s not the most expressive one, we know he cares about people and about his fans. He just doesn’t make decisions based on what the fans will think. I love him from that, because what we get from him may not be perfect, but it’s genuine. Yes, he’s made some mistakes (who hasn’t?) but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person and it doesn’t erase everything good he’s done. I love that he kept the teddy bears in his bunk until he kept falling from it and Zack had to throw them away, I love that he had a diary in his bunk, I love that he took soup to the girls waiting in line that one time…
5.- He's special. I don't know how to explain it, but he just has something about him that makes me love him. Maybe it's because I'm tired of people wanting to be role models, always smiling even when they don't want to just to give the right image, hiding everything bad or weird about themselves, playing this safe... and then comes along this boy who's just trying to find himself, and that appeals to me. It makes me want to sit down with him and discuss stuff and sometimes slap him ;).. he just draws me in. Because he's weird, ridiculous, imperfect, because he forgets to pay the bills, because he jokes that he got married, because he stalked Pete Wentz on Livejournal, because he told Brendon to sing and knew that they would make it, because he left his soul in Capetown, because he steals his scarves from Frodo, because he gives awkward high fives....
Ermmm... I might have mentioned a few more than five :D?
You can ask me more stuff, or share your reasons or your Top 5 posts, these are always fun. Let's be positive and think happy thoughts! (MCR <3)