Mar 30, 2012 01:36

Title: A Good Kind of Storm I'M LAME AT TITLES I KNOW
Pairing: HenBer
Rating: NC-17
Genre: smut, romance, angst
Warning/s: het smut
Verse: expanded
Type/Status: One-Shot; Complete, 3,674W
Summary: The storm that Henry has been waiting for all his life has finally come.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Sorry! T^T


Henry couldn't help the smile that crept up his face as Amber strummed the strings of his guitar with delicate fingers - the tune that of a familiar love song from their childhood. He kept still, mesmerized as to how the girl in front of him struck every cord spot on, the melody going straight to his heart, as if a silent hum that mirrored his feelings for the other; just like the sound of the waves as they hit the shore - so gentle, so calm, so serene, so tranquil.

It will go on forever, never mind that we can never tell how long said forever will last.

The sound of the waves, and the waves themselves, will always be there - a gentle lull that assures that despite the lack of obvious change, the world is moving forward. Just like how each wave kissed the shore, every moment in our lives is passing. A certain wave only reaches the shore once, never for the very same one to be seen, ever again.

An opportunity lost once, is an opportunity lost forever. Henry felt a little grim at the sudden realization that he had had passed up too many opportunities to confess his feelings for the person who captured his heart since that day she smiled at him and said "Hi".

Henry wondered if he'll forever stay as a wave, always able to sidle up to the coconut tree by the bay, but never quite able to reach said tree that is Amber in his life.

Then again, there are times when the waves do manage to reach the tree. Storms, monsoons, typhoons - all of which disrupt the usual calm of the ocean - mother nature's way of intervening, granting the wave's wish to be together with the coconut tree which was always near, yet so far.

Henry briefly contemplated as to when mother nature will decide to "intervene" in his case. He could only hope though. It's not like he had the guts to tell his best friend that he is madly in love with her anyway. Not when he knew that he stood no chance, having been friend-zoned a long time ago when Amber called him her "brother from another mother." Nothing less, nothing more.

Henry concluded that he will always be a calm wave - subtle, unnoticeable, irrelevant. He will never be able to reach his coconut tree because he wasn't willing to brave the storm, too afraid of the unknown.

If only he got to find a sign that he had a chance, no matter how small; if only he found an instance wherein he gets to bare his heart out for Amber to consider; if only Amber would give him any sliver of affection that is beyond platonic; if only... he got to have his storm that will finally, finally, make all things fall into their rightful places. If only...

"Shit!" Amber cursed as she nursed her bleeding finger, the guitar dropping to the floor with a thud.

Henry was jolted out of his trance as he registered the grimace on Amber's face, having shifted his gaze thereto as he got lost in his meandering thoughts.

"Are you okay, Ambie?" Henry's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he took his companion's hand in his, and examined the fresh cut on the latter's thumb.

"Uh, I'm fine, Hen. Just a little cut," Amber assured him, her facial expression a total contradiction to her words.

"It is so not little," Henry clucked his tongue at the other's denial, and brought her thumb up to his mouth to suck the excess blood.

The taste of copper reached Henry’s senses just as he heard Amber gasp, wiggling her hand away in mortification - but he was stronger. He tightened his grip on Amber's wrist and continued to suck at the cut. He spat the blood on his used paper cup on the table thereafter, finally releasing Amber's hand.

"You didn't have to do that," Amber pouted, a rare instance, considering that she hated aegyo and everything that had something to do with it; although arguable since she and Sungmin were pretty tight.

"Why not?" Henry raised his eyebrows at his friend, wondering if a superficial wound could cause fever, seeing that Amber's cheeks were now flushed red.

"I-I- It's disgusting!" Amber flailed her arms above her head, freezing as Henry took her wrist again and sucked her thumb without so much as a warning.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Amber demanded, though unable to tear her hand away from Henry's for some reason she didn't know.

"Bleeding - again - don't - move - so - much -" Henry murmured with his mouth still around Amber's thumb, a sheepish grin on his face as he took in the scandalized look of the other.

Henry used his tongue to apply pressure on the cut. He had learned in some first aid video he watched during his random searching on Youtube that pressure helped. He was about to withdraw when he heard Amber basically moan his name. His ears must be playing tricks with him.

"H-Hen-ryyy," Amber breathed out, the sound of her ragged breathing making the boy raise his eyebrows once more, with her thumb still in his cavern.

"Hmmm?" Henry hummed in question.

"D-Don't... stop. P-lease... Don't stop," Amber might as well have begged, not minding that she sounded so damn needy.

Holy shit. Henry couldn't believe what was happening. All he was sure of was that his hearing wasn't faulty, after all. Amber moaned his name, all right.

The thought excited Henry more than he thought. Blood rushed south as he reveled in Amber's panting and he resumed his sucking, careful to roll his tongue just right - Amber throwing her head back at the unexpected pleasure Henry's tongue brought her.

Henry's senses were on an overdrive. The warning signals on his head blared with red lights, telling him that this was so fucking wrong. Yet, the excitement pounding in his chest was unrelenting, making him scratch any other coherent thoughts as he thought with his other head.

Feeling bolder than he had ever been in his life, he released Amber's thumb out of his mouth with a pop. He then tugged Amber by the wrist and beckoned her closer, pulling her flush against him so that she was straddling him. He groaned as Amber's weight settled on his hard-on, the friction doing wonders for his sanity, or the lack thereof.

Henry's body was on autopilot. He tugged at the hem of Amber's shirt and lifted it over her head, her cap falling to the floor in the process. He scowled in frustration as he was met by yet another obstacle - Amber's camisole. He ripped the flimsy material apart without much struggle. He then reached out behind to Amber's back, fiddling with the clasp of her brassiere for a good half-minute. As the lacy material went off, Henry paused to look at Amber's bosom - it was not big, not small either. Her breasts were a perfect conical shape, her pinkish areola taking up about one-third of her whole breast area, around her pert nipples.

She had a concave stomach, her abdomen curving in so much that Henry could even see the outlines of some of her ribs. Her slender arms were perfect in proportion to her body, especially beautiful as they were wrapped around Henry's neck as she clung for dear life.

Henry appreciated the womanly contour of Amber's upper body in general. Amber always wore loose fitting clothes and even then, Henry had always quite thought that she was sexy. Yet now, as all of her was bared in front of him to see, Henry thought that there could never be any other sight that could be sexier than this.

Henry buried his head in between Amber's breasts, inhaling the sweet musk of her perfume. He turned his head to one of the twins and took Amber's nipple in his mouth, the pad of his tongue pressing over the whole area. He mimicked his earlier movements on Amber's thumb, taking turns between sucking and twirling his tongue on the erect little nub. He gave the opposite breast the same treatment, rubbing his hands up and down the sides of Amber's torso so as to coax her to relax.

As Henry's hand came in contact with the hem of Amber's jeans, he became fully aware of the burning heat of Amber’s core through the denim, the growing need for more of that warmth made him tug at the buttons of said trousers, zipper going down immediately after. Without further ado, Henry edged his dominant hand into the waistband of Amber's matching panties, the material already sodden with her essence.

Henry dipped his hand lower until he found the nub he knew would give his partner utmost pleasure. He gave an experimental flick on Amber's clit, feeling smug as he felt Amber's legs shake above his. He rubbed it in a circular motion, gradually increasing his speed as Amber dug sharp nails on his neck further, eyes rolling to the back of her head in ecstasy.

Henry could feel Amber's juices soak up his fingers and the mental image made him harder than he already was. He slowly inserted his middle finger into Amber's folds, taking note of the changes in the latter's expression, afraid that he may hurt her. Amber, however, was so out of it, long gone as she pushed herself down onto Henry's lone finger that was pumping in and out of her. Henry added his index finger and scissored them inside Amber's entrance, making the latter mewl into his ear, hanging onto his neck for dear life.

Inasmuch as Henry wanted to please Amber as much as he can, he knew he would have to make his move, knowing that he wouldn’t last long if he were to keep this up. So, he withdrew his hand from Amber entirely, finding it amusing that she whined, actually whined, when he did just that. He chuckled lowly, said chuckle dying in his throat when Amber rolled her hips, the delicious friction making him forget everything else as he hastily stood up, hooking his hands on Amber’s knees and taking her with him.

He pinned Amber on the nearest wall, growling as Amber pulled him by the tie and smashed their lips together. If it was another circumstance, Henry would’ve probably jumped in joy at their very first kiss, but he couldn’t even dwell on that as the throbbing in his pants increased tenfold, clouding his mind with a passion so raw that may have been carnal in nature, but surely meant more than just that.

Henry returned the kiss with much fervor, moaning into Amber’s lips as the latter tugged at his brown locks, kissing him deeper. As Henry’s tongue met with Amber’s in a fiery dance, he decided that he finally had enough play. He put Amber down and ripped her jeans and panties off her in one go, Amber, getting the signal, quickly kicked them off as they pooled at her ankles. Not leaving Henry’s lips for even a moment, Amber returned the favor, tugging on Henry’s belt and unbuttoning his pants, the slacks easily falling to the floor without much effort. The boxers were next to go as Amber’s nimble fingers pushed them off, the cotton material falling to join the heap on the floor.

Henry didn’t waste time and no sooner did he lift Amber back up, the girl immediately lacing her legs on Henry’s back for support. Amber opened the buttons on Henry’s shirt one-by one, The latter busying himself with tracing senseless patterns on the alabaster skin of Amber’s neck, sucking a particular spot at the junction between her neck and jaw, licking a stripe on the skin, leaving a mark that was sure to bruise. As the last of the buttons were undone, Henry hastily took off his shirt, hands immediately replacing themselves on Amber’s thighs as he positioned himself on her entrance.

Henry brought himself up once again on eye level, staring straight into Amber’s orbs, the younger’s gaze filled with lust, want, and something else that was deeper, mirroring the look Henry had in his own eyes as well. He leaned his forehead on hers as he slowly bridged the tight muscle, rubbing her thighs as he felt her shudder from the intrusion. He brought a hand back to her core, rubbing her clit to and fro as he coaxed her into relaxing as he slid in to her, sweet inch by sweet inch, biting his lips to keep himself from making noise, whether it was from the pain of Amber biting down on his shoulder or the sudden tightness that enveloped his manhood, Henry didn’t know. All he knew was that he needed to move, yet he couldn’t bring himself to hurt Amber. He loved her, after all.

As Henry felt himself fully seated inside of her, he felt something hot come in contact with his balls. His eyes widened when he looked down and saw blood. Of fucking course. Why didn’t he even think of it before? Amber was a virgin and he was taking advantage of her vulnerability, never mind that he was a virgin himself; but still, he was the guy. He was supposed to be the one to know what to do. In his moment of epiphany, he hastily pulled himself out, cursing in who knows what language as Amber figured out what he was doing and slammed herself onto his cock before he completely got out, clinging onto him in a silent plea for him to stay, to tell him that she wanted this as much as he did.

Henry couldn’t stop now even if he wanted to, not when Amber’s walls were clenching around him in a way that could only be described as delicious. He pulled out once more, only to slam back in at an upward angle, hitting something within Amber that caused her to shiver against him. His thrusts gained momentum as he repeatedly slammed up into her, swallowing her moans with his lips as they got caught up in a frenzy, not even knowing where the other’s body ended and the other started as they melded into one.

Henry could feel himself getting closer, and judging by the way Amber seemed to be unable to kiss back properly, he can tell that she was close, too. He buried his head on her neck, latching his lips on her jaw as he gave a few more thrusts, delighting in the way Amber moaned his name as she came undone from his ministrations.

Henry looked up just in time to see Amber’s expression as she came. Amber's cheeks were flushed, more so than before; her tongue was in between her teeth, the perfect set of pearly whites holding the pink muscle in place as she tried to keep herself from saying more; sweat started to form on her forehead; her eyes threatening to shut themselves as Henry's mouth darted out to lick the expanse of milky white skin of her breasts once again, his other hand settled on her behind, holding her in place and kneading the supple flesh as he let himself spill into her, riding out his orgasm as much as he can.

It was a look Henry had never seen on Amber before. And although he had always thought that Amber was beautiful, he thought that Amber was gorgeous like this, with her defenses lying low, so vulnerable, so ready for him to take, so willing to give him her whole self.

"God, you're beautiful. I love you, Ambie," Henry whispered into Amber's neck as he felt the last of his seeds empty into her, the latter ceasing all movements in the blink of an eye.

Henry was shocked when he saw tears in Amber’s eyes, worried that he might have hurt her.

“Ambie, are you okay?” Henry muttered with so much concern, as if he wasn’t buried deep within her still.

“I- You don’t really mean that,” Amber’s tears were now flowing freely on her cheeks as he pushed Henry off her, his cock sliding out of her as well.

“Wait, Ambie? What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” Henry frantically questioned as Amber hastily picked up her clothes on the floor, putting on her underwear first as she made her way to the door.

Henry couldn’t even be bothered with putting his own clothes himself and was on Amber’s tail in no time, trapping her between him and the door just before she managed to get out.

“Hey, Ambie, look at me,” Henry pleaded as Amber was stubbornly turning her face to the side, not looking at him.

“Amber Josephine Liu! I said, look at me!” Amber flinched at Henry’s sudden outrage, not able to protest further as Henry held her by the chin and forced her to look at him.

“Look. I know things may be moving too fast for you but believe me, Ambie. I do love you. All these years, I have always loved you. I'm in love with you. I mean it,” Henry stared deeply into Amber’s teary eyes, his own glazed with unshed tears as well.

“You can’t possibly… me… no… You’re only saying that because we --- had --- we did it, and you’re feeling guilty. Yeah, that’s it. No need to lie, Hen. It’s okay, no big deal about it, right? It’s just se ---“ Amber attempted a smile, only to flinch in fright when Henry’s fist collided with the door, mere inches from her left cheek.

“What the fuck, Am? Weren’t you listening? I told you I fucking love you! And you’re saying I really don’t and I’m just sorry!? Who are you to play with my feelings like this!? That… What we did. It’s not just sex for me. I --- You’re my first, and I know that I’m yours as well but… but… if you don’t feel the same way, I understand. I-I’m sorry,” Henry faltered as he felt the impact of Amber’s words sink in. She didn’t love him back, after all. It was just sex; read: not love.

Amber felt guilt creep into her system as he saw the broken look on Henry’s face as he stepped back, head bowed low in resignation. She was free to go but she couldn’t move even if she wanted to, not when her heart was breaking along with that of the man’s in front of her.

“Oh my god, what did I do? I’m so sorry, Hen, I’m so so sorry. Oh my god, I’m really really sorry. Please forgive me,” Amber stammered as she regained her composure, immediately going over to Henry and hugging the crying man to her chest, cooing words of comfort as she rubbed small circles on his back.. “Hush. I’m sorry, Henry. I just, I just didn’t think that you meant the words you said. I thought you were just caught up in the afterglow or something."

“That’s stupid, Ambie. You know I’m not that kind of guy,” Henry chided, wrapping his arms around Amber’s waist and hugging her closer nonetheless.

“I know, it’s just. Nevermind,” Amber quipped, fingers threading themselves on Henry’s brown locks.

“Spit it out, Ambie,” Henry all but scowled, knowing his best friend all too well.

“I… I just didn’t think that someone… you of all people, would love me… fall in love with me, I mean, look at me Hen!” Amber flailed, showing the vulnerability brought about by her insecurities once more.

“Who wouldn’t fall in love with you!? You have to accept the fact that not all the words people say are lies. I did not, would never lie to you, Ambie.” Henry retorted, taking Amber’s small hands in his and placing a swift kiss atop her knuckles. “I think you’re gorgeous Am. I really do. I love you just the way you are - with nothing fake about you, just beautiful, gorgeous, you.”

“Gosh. I didn’t know you could be so cheesy, Hen. I want my old best friend back!” Amber playfully slapped Henry’s face away from her hand, brows furrowing when Henry turned serious.

“Well, you’re not gonna get it,” Henry supplied, a despondent look on his face.

“Get what?” Amber asked, thoroughly confused.

“Your best friend’s not gonna come back. You're gonna have to take me as your boyfriend, or not at all. All or nothing, Ambie. Choose wisely,” Henry chided, Amber laughing out loud as to how childish Henry can be.

“Okay fine! Under one condition,” Amber bit her lip to keep herself from guffawing.

“Anything for you, my pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, girlfriend whom I love so much above anything in this whole wide world,” Henry sing-songed, a mega watt smile plastered on his face.

“Ho ho ho! Okay, make that two conditions. First, you’re never, I mean never, ever to repeat the cheesy things you just said. God, it gives me the creeps."


"And second… could you please put some clothes back on?”

“Holy shiiiiiiiiiiii…”


P.S. First HenBer ever AND JFC IT'S SMUT!  Also, abrupt ending is abrupt. I didn't know what else to do with it. Don't be too harsh!/hides
P.S.S. According to my friends' list, lotsa people have their birthdays today. So, Happy Birthday to: Amber (LOL) emo_what97, Stefanie shiro_yuuki, Sarah silasignite, and my BB Devon pinkymingo And belated happy birthday Ate yheoj! IDK if you guys even read het pairings HenBer, but I just wanted to greet you anyway. ^^
P.S.S.S. It might've been awkward in the "boobs" part. Before you look at me like that, THAT'S HOW WE DO IT IN PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT OKAAAAY!/sobs
P.S.S.S.S. Still on writer's block and I just wanted to post something. That something ended up like this OTL./creys

rating: nc-17, genre: romance, genre: angst, pairing: henber, verse: expanded, genre: smut

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