Feb 03, 2012 22:48

TITLE: Without You Hormonal Imbalance
Author: ailaling1017
Genre: MPREG, fluff, romance, angst-y
Warning/s: yaoi, language
Disclaimer: If only I owned Super Junior. ;A;
Rating: PG
Pairing: KyuMin
Verse: alternate
Type/ Status: One-shot; Complete, 2,161W
Summary: Kyuhyun did not sign up for this.
A/N: Requested byaendimnida
Prompt: MPREG; slight angst, fluff; Kyuhyun was fed up.


Kyuhyun pulled at his hair in frustration as he heard his name being called, well, more like shouted, by the all too familiar voice which kept on haunting him these days. To be honest, Kyuhyun thought he would never see the day wherein he would grow tired of hearing his husband’s voice. Then again, when did Sungmin’s sweet voice become so cruel and demanding!? Oh… right.

“Damn hormones!” Kyuhyun muttered under his breath as he trudged into their shared bedroom, arranging his face to smile as soon as he entered.

Sungmin was lying on the bed, and that was all he seemed to do these days. He was holding the remote control on one hand and a spoon on the other. A tub of ice cream was perched on his baby bump. His pout was on full force on his face, and Kyuhyun would have thought he was adorable if not for the fact that he knew what that pout entailed.

“Kyu! I told you Super Mocha flavor! This is just mocha! God you’re so stupid!” Sungmin scolded his partner, digging into the ice cream tub on his stomach nonetheless.

“There’s a difference!?” Kyuhyun scratched his head, not really understanding what seemed to be the problem.

“Of course there is! Super and no super… ring a bell!?” Sungmin rolled his eyes at the younger and furiously punched the keys on the remote control, stopping when it reached the Lifestyle channel.

“Well. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that there was such a thing. I was so preoccupied with finding the strawberry scented paper napkins that you specifically ordered.” Kyuhyun snapped back in a sarcastic voice, his irritation finally catching up with him.

“So are you saying it’s my fault!? You know very well that I’ll throw up if I smell any other scent. Those are the only ones I could tolerate! If only you paid more attention to what I say and stopped playing that stupid game of yours, you’ll surely get what I asked of you in the first place.” Sungmin retorted, the tub of ice cream tumbling out of his hold and spilled onto the bed covers.

“Don’t you dare bring Starcraft into this! Last time I checked, I was your husband, not a freaking servant. I’m so fed up with your bossiness! All you see are my faults! You don’t even thank me for the zillion favors you ask of me anymore. Did you even consider that I hate wearing women’s perfume because the only scent you can stand is fucking strawberry!? But no. What Sungmin wants, Sungmin gets. Never mind that my rank dropped out of the top ten already; Heechul-hyung was making fun of me as I lost ranks to those noobs but it’s okay because I have to attend to your random whims and whatnot. And I just changed those sheets, mind you! Sungmin, I did not sign up for this!” Kyuhyun fumed, chest heaving from his sudden outburst.

He felt a little guilty as he saw the look of shock on Sungmin’s face - he was sure there was something else in there, perhaps, hurt. Yet, Kyuhyun could not bring himself to care. Not when the anger that was brewing within him from the pent up frustrations in the past eight months finally emerged out of his system.

The tears on Sungmin’s face were falling like a waterfall and Kyuhyun’s eyes were getting glassy as well. Sungmin glared at Kyuhyun as the younger glared back. The sound from the television was the only thing breaking the silence that was thick in the air.

“Sorry for getting myself knocked up then. I’m pretty sure your dick has mysteriously wound up in my ass without your knowledge and you certainly have nothing to do with that. I’m sorry you have to give up your bachelor ways and take responsibility for something that you did not “sign up for.” Now go to that Craftstar tournament you wanted to participate in. I don’t care anymore.” Sungmin spat, fists clenching on their…no, his sheets in fury.

“I--- You know that’s not what I meant. I---“ Kyuhyun faltered as Sungmin’s fiery gaze burned through his soul - the look of pure hatred in Sungmin’s eyes something he had not seen before. It was a look he didn’t think Sungmin would direct at him, ever.

“Oh no. I perfectly understand what you mean. Now, get out and don’t ever show your face to me again. I can raise this child without the help of someone who didn’t want the responsibility in the first place.” Sungmin said, face now blank and his eyes soulless.

“But Sungmin!” Kyuhyun sighed, exasperated.

“Get out!” Sungmin all but shrieked.

“Fine!” Kyuhyun felt the last of his patience break.

“Fine!” Sungmin replied before he laid fully on the bed and turned his back to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun gazed at Sungmin’s back and realized that Sungmin was not going to get back on his decision any time soon. He gave a resigned sigh, walked to their shared closet, pulled out his luggage, and stuffed whatever piece of clothing he recognized as his into it. He hastily zipped the bag and stalked out of the room without so much as a sideways glance at Sungmin’s huddled form on the bed.

Just as the door slammed, Sungmin finally allowed his tears to fall - sobs wracking his body as the salty fluid broke like a dam. As Sungmin was burying himself deeper into his sheets, Kyuhyun let himself break down as he leaned on the elevator, sniveling due to the dead weight on his heart; the dent Sungmin’s absence caused piercing his soul.


It was a little under a month since Kyuhyun last saw Sungmin. Three weeks, two days, five hours, and thirty seconds to be exact. Not that he was counting - no, not at all.

Kyuhyun shut his laptop lid rather harshly - the red bold letters “GAME OVER” had been flashing on the screen for a few minutes already, as if mocking him. He stopped playing halfway through busting a particular Zerg as his thoughts drifted to the person he missed the most. Even gaming had lost its novelty now. Who would have known?

He plopped himself on the bed and hugged his pillow close. He sniffed the shirt that he had put on it - a pink one belonging to Sungmin. He sneaked it out that day his husband threw him out, just in case their fight didn’t resolve itself within the week. It had been three weeks since that day, and Kyuhyun was missing Sungmin big time. He buried his face into the pillow all the more, glad that he took it in the first place.

Kyuhyun was about to doze off when his cell phone blared. He grumpily reached out to retrieve it from the nightstand and answered it, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Yoboseyo?” Kyuhyun’s sleepy voice wafted through the receiver.

“Kyuhyun-ah! Where are you?” A frantic voice answered from the other end of the line.

“Hyukjae-hyung? I’ve been at Ryeowook’s since you know, Sungmin kicked me out. Wait, did something happen to Sungmin?” Kyuhyun immediately bolted up to a sitting position, heart pounding as he thought of how Sungmin might be in danger.

“Yes. No. I mean, I don’t know. He’s at Seoul National Hospital right now. I’m on my way. I’ll meet you there.” Hyukjae, Sungmin’s brother, hastily muttered, cutting the call before Kyuhyun could even reply.

Kyuhyun immediately jumped off the bed and darted to the door, only managing to fetch his keys on the table before dashing to his car. Anxiety fueled his veins as he drove at maximum speed - praying that Sungmin was fine.


Kyuhyun bolted into the room, 13-7, as the receptionist had instructed. He was panting as he had run all the way up the stairs to the thirteenth floor, because the elevator was out of order. He barely registered Hyukjae’s presence when he felt himself see red as he glared at the guy who was caressing Sungmin’s face affectionately. He instinctively caught said guy by the collar and slammed him to the wall, intent on destroying the man who dared lay a finger on his husband.

“Kyuhyun! Stop it! Kyuhyun!” Hyukjae cried but the younger was unstoppable as he punched the stranger in the gut, the man doubling over in pain just as Kyuhyun was pried off of him by a frantic Hyukjae.

“What the hell, Kyu! Why did you do that to Hae!?” Sungmin demanded, voice a little weak as he raised his head from the bed.

“Minnie! It’s been barely three weeks. How could you do this to me!?” Kyuhyun glowered at the petite man, tears flowing freely on his cheeks.

“Do what!?” Sungmin replied confusedly.

“Replace me! With this Hae guy. He isn’t even that handsome. And he’s short! God Sungmin. Please. Come back to me. I can’t live without you. I love you so so much and I’m sorry if I’ve been a jerk and I know I don’t deserve you but please let me make it up to you. I swear I’ll---“ Kyuhyun’s words were cut off as Sungmin pulled him by the collar and pressed their lips together - the heaviness he felt a while ago slowly dissipating, as if Sungmin’s lips sucked the misery out of him.

“Hae is my cousin, you silly Kyubear.” Sungmin whispered into his lips as they parted from the kiss.

Kyuhyun’s eyes widened as he realized what he had done. He breathe a sigh of relief; nonetheless, thankful that it was all a misunderstanding.

“Ehem.” A voice sounded from their side and Kyuhyun turned to face a glaring Donghae who was being supported by the arm by an equally angry Hyukjae.

“I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” Kyuhyun uttered meekly, hand scratching his head as he looked for the right words to say.

Kyuhyun was surprised when a hand was basically shoved to his face.

“I’m Lee Donghae, Sungmin’s cousin. Not so nice to meet you, Kyuhyun-shii.” The brunet chided, albeit playfully as Kyuhyun took the proffered hand.

“Sorry again. I swear it won’t happen again.” Kyuhyun bowed down low, hoping against hope that he’d be forgiven of his foolish mistake.

“It’s okay. Just take care of my cousin and never leave him again or else I’m gonna cut you. I assure you, there will be retribution.” Donghae cracked his knuckles, a menacing look present on his face which looked comical, considering how delicate his features were.

Still, Kyuhyun got the message and he gulped, knowing for a fact that Sungmin could pack a mean punch despite being feminine looking. It must run on the blood, he thought.

“Yes, hyung.” Kyuhyun nodded meekly, startled when Donghae ruffled his hair all of a sudden.

“Aigoo. I guess Sungminnie was right. You do have a cute side to you. And Kyuminnie has your eyes and squishy cheeks!” Donghae squealed in delight as he pinched Kyuhyun’s cheeks rather harshly.

“Kyumin-nie? Kyumin who?” Kyuhyun turned an inquiring gaze to his husband who was smiling on the bed, realizing for the first time that Sungmin’s belly had immensely decreased in size.

Just then, a knock wafted through the wooden door; a nurse carrying a baby entering after a few moments. Kyuhyun mentally face palmed as it dawned on him that Sungmin was not at the hospital because he was in danger, but he just gave birth. Although he argued that giving birth in itself was dangerous in its own right. Truly, no amount of biology classes could prepare him for this certain event in his life. That or he just forgot that it had been nine months already since Sungmin started to conceive. Still, Kyuhyun was grateful for the very same hormones he cursed when Sungmin was being pissy, for they were the ones who made this possible. The imbalance of such leading a male like Sungmin to achieve the impossible. It was a miracle of all sorts and Kyuhyun was glad that it had happened to him… to Sungmin… to them.

Kyuhyun felt himself shiver as he laid his eyes on the infant. It… no, he, judging by the blue name tag on his wrist, was Sungmin’s baby… his baby… their baby. Kyumin was a product of their love. He carefully took Kyumin in his arms and swayed him gently - the fond look on his eyes never leaving as he walked to Sungmin’s bedside and planted a kiss on his husband’s forehead with Kyumin between them.

“I love you.” Kyuhyun whispered into Sungmin’s ear, meaning it with all his heart.

He realized that the sleepless nights, temper tantrums, and absurd demands he had to endure were all worth this. He did not even care if he dropped out of the top 100 in the online ranking site anymore. Not when he could have this - love, that is.


“Uh… Kyubear. Why aren’t you wearing pants?”

"Holy shit!"


P.S. This was supposed to be a drabble. This is what happens when you give me a laptop without internet - I get carried away OTL.
P.S.S. Thank you lavender_lace12 and minayuurei for the beta! Title by Paueeey because Hormonal Imbalance is just so weird.
P.S.S.S. It’s Kyuhyun’s and Andy’s birthday. Dee, birthday fic na nimo ni ha! LOL
P.S.S.S.S. Lame ending is lame. Pardon my fail sense of humor. THIS HAPPENED IRL THOUGH! A man in our place went to the hospital wearing only briefs as he rushed his wife to the E.R. When the nurse pointed it out, he freaked out and ended up using the E.R.'s curtain to cover himself. HAHAHA
P.S.S.S.S.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHO KYUHYUN!!! I love you brat!<3
P.S.S.S.S.S.S. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated. =)

genre: romance, author: ailaling1017, fan fiction, genre: fluff, kyumin, type:one-shot, genre: mpreg, rating: pg, genre: angst, genre: crack, kyuhyun, verse: alternate, sungmin, fanfic

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