Sep 26, 2011 09:07

TITLE: Strawberry Kisses
Author: ailaling1017
Genre: angst-y, romance, fluff
Warning/s: genderswitch
Disclaimer: YES. I OWN THEM.
Rating: PG
Pairing: EunHae; girl!Hyuk; girl!Min; brokenHaeMin; ninja!KyuMin
Verse: alternate
Type/Status: One-Shot; 3,600-ishW
Summary: Hyukjae's love for Donghae was nothing short of unrequited. Is it possible for her to be happy at all? LAME SUMMARY IS LAME
A/N: Belated Happy Birthday Ate Nica veezhi! I told you it’d be a fail but WTH, you said you wanted it. It’s unnecessarily drag-gy and altogether crappy. So… here goes nothing./hides
Today's my friends' Jelai's & Jessica's birthday too! Happy birthday guys ~ =)
Unbeta'd so forgive the grammatical errors and whatnot. T^T


Glued at the hips - that’s what anyone who has seen Donghae, Hyukjae, and Sungmin together would’ve described them as. They have been the best of friends even before either of them learned to count. They were basically in diapers when they did their first pinky promise.


The life they lived was cut out from a fairytale story - kids never really had problems the size of Jupiter, after all. Then again, change is all but constant in this world. If there was a thing that was inevitable, it would be growing up. It was one afternoon in mid-November when Hyukjae learned that fairytales only existed in the story books that her mom read for her at bed time. Since then, she has learned how it felt like to grow up - little by little.


Little Hyukjae and little Sungmin were sitting on the swings at the far end of the play ground when little Donghae came bounding to them with a smile that made his lack of two front teeth look all the more comical.

Little Hyukjae had an equally radiant smile on her face which fell as soon as little Donghae went around them and settled himself at little Sungmin’s back - pushing the girl whose smile became wider as she soared through the air.

Little Hyukjae propped herself on her feet and swung herself instead - a bead of tear rolled down on her cheek as she realized that she’d always be second best no matter how hard she tried.


Several years - thirteen, to be exact, have passed since that one fateful afternoon and Hyukjae has accepted the fact that her love would be nothing short of one-sided. Somehow, she has learned to block the pain. In fact, she has become quite numb actually. She has long since realized that observing her two best friends broke the already crushed pieces of her heart all the more; so tune them out, she did.


One’s defenses could only be so sturdy and humans, no matter how strong they may seem, will always have a breaking point, somehow.

Hyukjae’s world crumbled the day Donghae shoved a piece of silver to her face (asking whether it’s shiny enough) with the intent of wooing Sungmin - officially, that is. Hyukjae knows that Donghae loved Sungmin in a way that is beyond platonic. When you think about it, Hyukjae is kind of in the same dilemma - except that, her case was a lost cause.

“Hyukkie! What do you think of this?” Donghae excitedly poked Hyukjae on her sides as he continued shoving the sparkly object in front of the girl’s eyes - too close to the point that she felt cross-eyed.

“It’s… it’s…pretty.” It was all Hyukjae could reply, not liking the feeling on her gut as she figured what this was all about.

“I’m telling her tomorrow… on her birthday.”

The smile Donghae had on his face could only be inversely proportionate to the look Hyukjae had on her face that the boy’s visage shifted to a scowl instead.

“Hyukkie. Are you okay?” Donghae reached his hand out and laid it on Hyukjae’s forehead - concern written all over his features.

Hyukjae didn’t have it in her to ruin Donghae’s plans. God knows how much she wanted to be selfish - how she wanted to tell Donghae that he couldn’t do that because he was supposed to be hers - how she has patiently waited all these years for his love that never came. Then again, of all the things that Hyukjae was, she was never a selfish person. Not that she’d have the heart to hurt Donghae to begin with. She loved the boy after all.

Rushing to the bathroom was all Hyukjae could do to prevent herself from breaking down in front of Donghae. Hyukjae was a lot of things - but she was not dumb. She had always known that her love would forever be unrequited and she knew that this day would come - sooner or later. Still, it didn’t make the pain hurt any less. And there she was thinking that years of preparation for this has numbed her enough to keep her from hurting - apparently, it wasn’t - judging by the tiny pin pricks she felt on her chest, that is.

“Hyukkie! What’s wrong!?” Donghae’s panicked voice wafted through the wood as he banged on the door of the girls’ comfort room.

Hyukjae clamped a hand on her mouth to keep her sobs at bay before taking a deep breath so as to steady her voice.

“I-I ate something bad.” Hyukjae shouted back - thanking the heavens that her voice barely cracked.

“Oh you stinky monkey!” Donghae all but snickered.

Hyukjae finally allowed herself to slide onto the floor with her back against the closed door - a fresh wave of tears overwhelming her as soon as she heard Donghae’s footsteps fade away to the distance. Donghae was going away - in more ways than one.


Much to Hyukjae’s surprise, God wasn’t all too cruel after all. Good thing they were on their final year of high school which means that she only had to endure a few months of heartache; read: Donghae and Sungmin’s lovey-dovey acts, murmurs of sweet nothings, and don’t even get her started on those couple shirts. Those three months felt like years though. Hyukjae never thought that her heart could get more broken than it already was - but apparently, it did. She could feel what she presumed to be the shards of her broken heart pierce through her chest every time Donghae professed his undying love for Sungmin - and believe her, he did that a lot.

It was only a matter of time before they had to leave for university and Hyukjae was more than happy to have had an excuse to go away and finally move on.


Hyukjae has been living quite a satisfactory life - not exactly happy, but satisfactory nonetheless. She felt as if her life was finally on track after all those years of pain. She’s starting to feel a sliver of hope that everything in her life is finally falling into place. She has a job which pays for her needs adequately; she’s studying dance which is her passion; she has had a few dates with interesting people here and there and though it was nothing serious, Hyukjae considered it as testing the waters - hoping that she’d finally meet the one for her. Basically, her life was okay. There wasn’t possibly anything else she could ask for - except that she knew very well in her heart that the one thing she desired the most could never be hers. And when there’s nothing else you can do about it, you move on.

Three years. Three years, she has gathered all the pieces of her broken heart and mended them together. What she failed to consider was that adhesive could only hold on for so long and that her heart wasn’t made of glass after all. She’d consider using stitches; but then again, even the most thought out incisions have eviscerated - Hyukjae’s heart is definitely frailer than that.

A call from Donghae was all it took for Hyukjae’s seemingly perfect world to crumble down once more.


Hyukjae felt her heart do a somersault at the familiar voice. Years have done nothing to erase the memory of the voice that she has oh-so longed for.



Hyukjae finally recovered from her initial shock and she can now hear the faint sound of sobbing from the other end of the line.

“Hae. Calm down. What happened?”

“She’s gone Hyuk. Sungminnie’s gone.”

“What!? What do you mean she’s gone!?” Hyukjae all but shrieked onto the receiver.

She was in panic mode by this time. Hyukjae had to shake her head to rid it of visualizations of Sungmin in her pink casket. Her knuckles have turned white from gripping her phone so tight but she couldn’t be bothered. Not when she thought of the possibility of never being able to see her best friend again - they still have a lot to reconcile, after all.

Donghae actually had the audacity to chuckle at this point and Hyukjae could almost feel the worry tugging on her heart slowly dissipate.

“I meant that she’s gone. She…she…left me for her Math professor. Mister what’s-his-face. Hyukkie… I can’t live without her.” Donghae sighed.

Hyukjae actually had to fight herself from letting out a sigh of relief. Now that the knowledge that her best friend wasn’t dead was established, her breathing came easier - only to tighten once more as she realized the impact of Donghae’s last words.

Nothing has changed.

Hyukjae finds herself back to square one.


Hyukjae should’ve known that Donghae hadn’t spent a ridiculous amount of money on that hour-long long distance phone call for nothing. He was a scrooge - well, they did say that birds of the same feather flock together. Hyukjae knows she’s about the same caliber as Donghae when it comes to stinginess - if not more. Sungmin was kinda loose on money though. She was the odd one out in their little circle. Hyukjae and Donghae were too alike yet Donghae chose Sungmin. Hyukjae huffed as she realized the truth in that famous adage about how opposites attract.

“Hey Hyukkie!” a bouncing Donghae emerged through the automatic doors of the airport's arrival area.

Hyukjae felt literally breathless as she was greeted with the smile she has longed for in three years. It was the same smile that had her falling all these years. Hyukjae knew it was stupid of her to let her feelings reemerge just because of a simple thing such as a smile yet she knew that she never really stopped falling in love with the man who was now tackling her in a one-armed hug.

When she thinks about it, Hyukjae never really stopped falling per se. She’d like to call it as stalling. When Donghae got together with Sungmin a few years back, Hyukjae forced herself to stop so as to avoid hurt. Now that she feels Donghae’s warm embrace around her and his soft breath on her ear as he whispered overdue words of longing and whatnot, Hyukjae wonders how she survived three years without him - except from the occasional Birthday and Christmas greetings, that is. As Donghae pulled her by the wrist towards the nearest confectionery stall in the airport - wide brown eyes shining as though he had found the Pandora’s box, Hyukjae found herself falling just a little harder.

Hyukjae should’ve known that three years away from Donghae didn’t do much to change the man - boy actually, in Hyukjae’s opinion. Physically, he wasn’t the same scrawny boy Hyukjae had to defend from bullies way back in elementary, nor the socially awkward teenager who, although more bulkier than before, still had the mentality of a five-year-old boy. As she looked at Donghae who was now talking animatedly with the saleslady about how much sprinkles and marshmallows he wanted on his doughnut, Hyukjae can’t help but smile at the thought that muscles or no muscles, this was still the Donghae she loved - she loves.


Hyukjae was obsessive-compulsive, to say the least. She organized her apartment in a way that would make cleaning ladies ashamed of their work. She didn’t like mess - she’s allergic to it - which is why she felt her blood pressure rise up as she entered her apartment one night to find it typically upturned. How Donghae managed to break her plastic cup - yes, plastic - was beyond her.

However, the glare she sent towards Donghae’s direction immediately faltered as she saw his huddled form on the couch - curling himself in a fetal position. He might’ve been cold so Hyukjae immediately went to her room to retrieve a blanket for him.

As Hyukjae carefully put the blanket around Donghae’s sleeping form, a tiny object Donghae held firmly in his grasp caught her eye. She leaned in closer to examine said thing - only to realize that it was a strawberry flavored lollipop. Hyukjae wanted to laugh but she failed to do so as Donghae chose that very moment to reach out and hug her flush to him. Her heartbeat rapidly increased as she found herself on top of Donghae without so much as a warning.

Hyukjae tried to pry herself off of Donghae’s hold but the man was too strong even in his sleep. She let herself relax into his warmth instead - looking up at Donghae’s angelic face. She felt her heart clench as she noticed the dried tear tracks on his cheeks. Reality bit her once again as she thought about the lollipop Donghae had in his hands. Sungmin liked, no, she loved pink.

Donghae, Hyukjae realized, must’ve fallen asleep crying about Sungmin again. She’s amazed at how she kept fooling herself - as if there's no amount of obvious signs that would stop her heart from beating for this man whom she has been loving for twenty-one years in the running. The human heart is one stubborn organ, she decides.

Hyukjae tried to stand up once again, using her arms to support her weight. Donghae held on tighter though. Hyukjae turned to scowl at Donghae’s sleeping face. He has no inkling how hard he is making this for her. Doesn’t he know how his actions meant so much to her?

Hyukjae’s scowl was replaced by shock as Donghae brought their faces together and let their lips meet for the first time. Hyukjae had imagined this happen in her head so many times yet nothing could have prepared her for the feelings it brought. She could feel tingles run down her spine and towards her toes. Every part of her was on fire and although she knew that it was wrong of her to indulge in this, knowing that Donghae wasn’t even aware of what he’s doing, she couldn't bring herself to stop. She could barely taste the hint of strawberry on his tongue and she didn’t think her favorite flavor could be any sweeter - but it did. He could be kissing Sungmin in his dream for all Hyukjae knew but she couldn’t bother herself to care anymore. Not when Donghae’s lips were soft and pliant against her own - Donghae’s heart beat in synch with her erratic one.

Hyukjae forced herself to let go when she felt wetness on her cheeks and for a while, she thought that she had lost her composure again. She was surprised when she found no tears on her eyes as she tried to wipe them with the back of her hand. She looked at the man beneath her and found that it was Donghae who was crying. She suddenly felt guilty for taking advantage of Donghae’s vulnerability. She finally came to a decision - this will be the last time she’d indulge herself. And so, she let herself live in her dream, if just this once.

“I love you.” Donghae whispered, his eyes still closed - tears now freely flowing on his cheeks.

“I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.” Hyukjae allowed herself a silent reply.

She wiped Donghae’s tears with her fingers and rested her head against his chest - falling asleep to the sound of Donghae’s heart beat.


When she woke up, Donghae was nowhere to be seen. She found herself tucked in safely on the couch with the blanket she placed over Donghae just last night on top of her. Hyukjae slowly sat up and her eye caught something on the coffee table beside the couch.

The same lollipop Donghae was holding the night previous lay atop a blue post-it note.

“Hyukkie. This is for you. Meet me at McDonald’s for lunch. See you.”
- Hae, whom you love the most

Hyukjae couldn’t help the smile that crept up her face as she read the note. Donghae was still as stingy as ever. She glanced at the clock on the wall which read eleven-thirty in the morning. So much for preparing. She was already running late so she decided against taking a bath. Donghae might’ve been a slob but he was a time-conscious one. She’d rather not risk testing Donghae’s patience for something as shallow as a shower. It’s not like they’re going on a date anyway, she reminds herself.

Hyukjae made a quick work of her hair and settled for a pony tail. She donned a trench coat over her blouse and skirt ensemble from last night and was out of her apartment door in no time. Not before grabbing the lollipop on the coffee table though.

The cab ride took no more than ten minutes and Hyukjae found herself facing Ronald McDonald’s creepy smile in no time.

Hyukjae entered the establishment quickly and scanned the crowd for a sign of messy brown hair. It took her no more than mere seconds to spot Donghae’s head amidst the sea of strangers. What made her do a double take though was someone else’s familiar brown locks.

Hyukjae felt hot tears on the brink of falling from her eyes and she immediately retreated to prevent Donghae from seeing her like this. No sooner did she turn on her heel did she feel herself collide with someone. Good thing that someone caught her by the waist, saving her from falling.

“Miss? Are you okay?” the guy who caught her asked.

Hyukjae didn’t even notice that she had closed her eyes and she slowly looked up to the man whilst retracting herself from the man’s hold. She took in his appearance. He was definitely handsome. He wore a crisp white shirt and thick horn-rimmed glasses and Hyukjae thought he was hot in an awkward way - like a hot professor perhaps? Hyukjae had never seen someone who had worse skin than Donghae but this man was definitely a keeper, she decides.

Speaking of Donghae, Hyukjae hastily muttered an apology and started to walk away fast when someone caught her wrist.

“Hyukkie. You’re late. I thought you wouldn't come.”

Hyukjae froze at the familiar voice. Donghae might’ve seen the commotion she caused and now she’ll have no choice but to endure yet another heart break.

Donghae, probably sensing Hyukjae’s discomfort, led her to sit at their table. Hyukjae gulped before finding herself being enveloped in a very tight hug she was sure she broke a rib or two.

“Hyukkie!!! I’ve missed you!!!”

“M-M-Min! L-L-et go.” Hyukjae gasped - arms flailing.

“Ouch Hyukkie! Is that how you treat an old friend whom you haven’t seen for so long!?” Sungmin said, faking tears.

“No. I don’t mean it that way. Just. C-Can’t breathe.”

Donghae pried Sungmin off Hyukjae with ease and gave Hyukjae a comforting smile. He sat beside her and handed her the strawberry lollipop. She didn’t even realize she’d dropped it earlier when she collided with that good-looking man.

Much to Hyukjae’s surprise, the “good-looking man” sat opposite her beside Sungmin and gave her a knowing look.

“So. Hyukkie. This is Kyuhyun. My boyfriend.” Sungmin all but beamed.

Hyukjae took a sideways glance at Donghae and was surprised to see him smiling genuinely. It was kinda odd, she thought.

“Hello Kyuhyun-sshi. Sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to bump into you.” Hyukjae bowed her head slightly.

“Oh it’s okay Hyukjae-sshi. I knew you were distracted.”

Hyukjae’s confusion must have been evident on her face and she turned to Donghae beside her only to find him smiling ear-to-ear towards her.

“So. Hyukkie. When are you gonna tell me about your boyfriend?” Sungmin chided.

“W-What? Me? Boyfriend? I don’t have one!” Hyukjae defended - seemingly flustered.

“Oh come on. No need to be shy!” Sungmin pressed on.

Hyukjae turned to Donghae once more in an attempt to ask him what was going on. He might’ve said something to Sungmin for her to assume that she had something remotely close to a love life.

“Hae… Whaaa---.”

The rest of Hyukjae’s words died in her throat when Donghae captured her lips in a swift kiss and Hyukjae wondered for a moment if she was dreaming.

Sungmin cleared her throat and Hyukjae and Donghae reluctantly parted.

Donghae chuckled as Hyukjae pinched her arm to ascertain that she was not dreaming. It hurt.

“Ow!” Hyukjae shrieked.

“You’re not dreaming Hyukkie. And I wasn’t asleep last night.” Donghae said.

“W-Wait. What.” Hyukjae’s words were incoherent. She felt her face turn beet red and the jeers from the couple across the table did nothing to help her case.

Donghae pushed the strawberry lollipop on her open palm and intertwined their fingers with the lollipop in between.

“I never really liked strawberry Hyukkie. It’s always been you that Donghae loved. Our friend’s just too dumb to realize it earlier.” Sungmin teased - earning a wack from Donghae which Kyuhyun returned as revenge for his girlfriend.

“Hae?” Hyukjae gazed at Donghae questioningly.

“It’s true Hyukkie. I’m sorry. But it’s true.” Donghae smiled sheepishly - looking like the five-year-old boy that he truly was once again.

Hyukjae couldn’t help but cry as a fresh wave of tears overwhelmed her. Never had she imagined that this day would come. She did say that her case was a lost cause, after all. As she felt Donghae envelop her in a hug, Hyukjae felt that she was finally home.


“So… Fries anyone?” Kyuhyun, ever the anti-climactic person that he was, chided as Donghae and Hyukjae still hasn’t let go of each other.

It was Sungmin’s turn to smack him this time. He was successful in separating Donghae and Hyukjae from their hugging though. The four of them laughed as they told stories of memories long forgotten and future plans all throughout the afternoon.


When Donghae squeezed Hyukjae’s hand tightly in his under the table, Hyukjae realized that she is finally happy.


P.S. Lame ending is lame. I seriously didn't know how to end it so I thought I'd end it at "Fries, anyone?" but yeah ~ that's what I came up with instead. Sorry!/dodges bricks
P.S.S. Haven't written EunHae KYUMIN SUCKED ME IN THEIR LITTLE BLACK HOLE in a while so it may seem...errr... awkward?
P.S.S.S. Really unsure of this fic. Comments and constructive criticisms are very much appreciated!^^

fan fiction, eunhae, ailaling1017, genderswitch, rating: pg, kyuhyun, genre: romance, eunhyuk, author: ailaling1017, genre: fluff, kyumin, type:one-shot, haemin, strawberry kisses, super junior, genre: angst, verse: alternate, fanfic, sungmin, donghae

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