i started on this yesterday, then my internet died:
so in a little over an hour I managed to turn my room from this:
to this:
you should be proud of me.
This weekend was undoubtedly one of the best weekends I've had lately. I got to see so many people I haven't seen in a while. It really makes me so happy I want to cry. The satisfaction of knowing I really do have friends....*tear*
Friday I went to the ETD show with Dennis. I was so proud of my little wikky, Brian and Craigory :) they did well and I got to see a lot of people I don't usually see.
Yesterday I learned how to drive stick in my dad's Audi.
Then some of my friendsies came which made me suuper happy. I had a big happy sleepover. I was glad to see everyone that was able to come including Nat, Ira, Leslie, Leslie, Lisa, Becca, Brian, Craig, Paige, Scott, Scott, James, Kyle, Micaela, Cassie, Alex, Nik and his girlfriend I don't like, and I hope that's it. It was more than I thought. Natalie gave me the coolest fairy bellybutton rings and I am getting my bellybutton done saturday afternoon! I took me lots of pictures, which will be somewhere down the bottom. I guess there's not much to say other than I love every one of you so so so so much! It really made me happy.
Later this afternoon I hung out with Kyle and Scott for a liiittle while and I was in such a good mood having just cleaned my room and I walked around in the cool Leslie flip flops that I am going to wear every day.
And then my family took me out for dinner. Once again I wanted to cry, I almost did. So many good things have come my way and I feel as if I don't deserve any of it but I really do feel appreciated right now which is a wonderful and rare feeling. I am enjoying this.
today's note:
I'm 17. This morning was good until I stepped into school. It felt so cool to be 17. But then school changed my mood around completely. I hate it....but I am glad to be home and eating Natalie and Ira's 6 lbs of gummy bears :)
here are some pictures:
Scott is so cuuute
Scott numba 1 and....Scottie numba 1
Leslie shows off piercing, Aileen licks Leslie
Paige and Cassie <3
I'm secretly in love with Alex, so don't tell anyone
my milkshake brings all tha boys to tha yarrrdd
how many people can you fit on Aileen's bed? (some had to get off, it started to creak)
you know you want this sexy piece of ass bitch
this one too!
...or maybe not
that's James with my deelightful present from Brian and Craigory
and this picture is for Paige :)