» NAME: Amalina » AGE: 23 » LOCATION: Singapore » PLANNER TYPE, WHY YOU CHOSE IT & HOW YOU USE IT: Its a weekly planner from South Korea. I love that it is small for my purse. I used to have a red moleskine for last year. This planner was a nice change because of its quirky designs. I also like that they have an overview of each month and never-ending pages of free notes which I use for doodles, quotes, period chart and etc. I still have many blank pages unfilled! I enjoy the process of keeping an organizer because it is a concrete documentation of what I did, what I felt and what I thought. » PICTURES:
The cover. I love the quote at the bottom. It reads:"Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true, think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future."
The profile page is interestingly at the back.
My main page. My inspiration to live, love and laugh.
A sample of a blank week. You can see the rest of the un'touched' planner here.
I learnt to draw this flower through this community. See! You guys are inspiring!
Neil Gaiman quote. And I really believe in this quote.
A monthly overview. I simply drew whatever caught my attention on that day.
Some of the pages. Ask me if you wanna know anything. :D
Pens and stickers. Love them, can't live without them. Thank you for keeping the spirit of journaling alive!