Today was exhausting. Six flights and a deadhead (being a passenger) yesterday. Six flights today, including a two-hour delay in Harrisburg because Newark had a ground-stop program. Gods, I'm so happy I only have three flights tomorrow. And we get finished early. And then...two days off? I think. I can't wait.
And now, bed.
But first, another storybit, utterly unrelated to Hypatia and the Dragon. It involves a vampire who unwillingly/unwittingly did something to make himself the savior of mankind. Ate the right person, perhaps (or the wrong person, to his mind). And now he has a werewolf on his metaphorical tail trying to convince him to Do The Right Thing. I don't know. This bit hasn't left me alone since yesterday.
“But you have to help us! You’re the one foretold by the prophecy, you saw what is said, and-“
“Look!” He spun on his heel, glorious golden hair flowing dramatically with the motion. “I want nothing to do with saving humans. I don’t save humans, I eat them!” He bared his fangs at her to emphasize the idea.
“But-“ She was starting up that pitiful whine again, and he could see her big, brown eyes getting even bigger and sadder. He cut her off where she was before she really got started.
“No! Humans are food, and nothing else. And the only reason I haven’t eaten you yet is because I don’t like dogs!”