Jan 18, 2010 18:52
Hard to write when there has been no change.
Also hard to get anything productive done when there are only 9 days (8 really) until I go home to LA for two weeks to bask in the sun (or rain, whatever). I will eat my way through LA. This is my main focus/thought and nothing else feels important.
I still have no job. So I am still looking for a job. I have taken on another volunteer thing - only once a month - at the Poetry Library, which is nice.
The snow has melted. We caught the tail end of it by going up to the Pentlands with the boys and sledging. It was pretty hectic though - we got going so fast & S smashed his head on a massive fell tree and Tom has maybe broken his rib or something. Fun though!
Tonight we are going to the new japanese place. We have enough food for dinner for ages now. I am trying hard to do a lot of cleaning, and diligently apply for jobs (today I applied for one I really really want/would pwn at), and be positive and happy.
I was stressing myself out a lot about potentially getting an interview offer while I was away in LA, but time for that is starting to dwindle & it seems more likely that if I get a job, it'd start after I get back anyhow, so that's fine. Things take care of themselves I suppose. I only just hope that I get something soon and can start on my life.
In other news, I got a big publication. I have a reading in March. I've got two more commissioned writing gigs (just a group I'm cursorily involved in are doing 4 more books & invited old contributors to write for them), plus there're two prizes I want to submit to - both before I leave for LA.
This week is GH night Wednesday, lots of meetings tomorrow, and I'll do my internship on Thursday I think, and then Saturday is S's grandpa's birthday dinner, then the following Wednesday we fly home!
I am being patient, although it is not in my nature to be patient, and I am happy with most facets of my life (except joblessness) and so I have very little to complain about.
We are a good fit in most ways, which is more than in many ways, and far more than just a good fit or a relatively good fit. He is patient and good and encouraging and kind. He plays his games while I get my work done.
I still haven't figured out how to write poems when he is home, but for now, that's okay.
I will try my best to be diligent and hardworking person, even if I am just volunteering for things.
I got paid for my poems recently, £60! Which is crazy to think of, really. Crazy to think that the poems can be worth money. And I have a writing gig sorted (another £40-60 I think) for next month. And maybe some poems in again.
I am waiting im/patiently for things to come together completely. But I am so close, I can't complain. I can't complain.