From the
calicocats community.
1. Are you part of group that meets to sew? No, I wish I were. Unfortunately, they meet on days that I can not.
2. Have you invited friends over to quilt/sew? No because my house is so chaotically messy. Some day I will though. I've gone over to my friend Mindy's house to sew before though. :)
3. Would you be interested in an "online sewing day"? I actually already sort of participate in one. They do a sewing week, though they're doing a sew-in month for February. It's hard for me to participate since I have two toddlers and homeschool. My time is severely limited. My sew ins are very sporadic.
4. Insert random picture here (it's been a while since we did pictures).... I have lots of pictures. How about I insert a link to my quilt pictures and you guys can peruse them. There are some with my children in there too. ;-) 5. What are you weekend sewing plans? Um, mainly to work on this hand appliqué for my Baltimore album quilt.