Quilting Friday Five and Show And Tell Friday

Jul 06, 2007 07:44

Friday Five from calicocats

1. Have you ever participated in a quilt block swap - online or with a guild? No, I'm afraid not. :(

2. Would you be interested in doing one? Oh yes! I just won't have time until after December. :(

3. What reservations would you have to not participating in a swap? Probably I'd be afraid A. My block seams wouldn't line up properly and B. I wouldn't get a block in return. :(

4. Ever hosted a swap before? Not yet.

5. Where do you find online swaps? LJ and Flickr Communities. :)

And now, Show and Tell Friday! Go to Kelli's blog to participate! There are insects under here, some that some might consider scary, as a warning!

Scorpion King!

Well, not really. He wasn't very big at all. About a third the length of a pencil I'd say? Maybe half at most.

We found this fellow inside our house. Yep, INSIDE. We're thinking he may have crawled in through the vents or something. It's rather disconcerting to think about, eh? One good thing though, none of the scorpions native to Texas are terminally dangerous. Evidently, all their stings are similar to getting a wasp sting (unless you're allergic). Of course, this doesn't mean I want any in the house, especially around the children! Still, he was kind of neat to see.

I took pictures (most of which didn't come out because it was so dark and my flash is kinda poopy) then Kurt let him go...OUTSIDE.

We seem to see at least one Oklahoma Brown Tarantula every year. I thought we weren't going to see any this year, but I was foold! This fellow was crawling around outside our house. This was the only decent shot of the ones that I took. Bah.

We had some damsel flies flying around our grass. This one is a little blurry, but the sharpest one I could get considering how they seemed to refuse to stay still!

This is the quilt that I made for my sister in law, Christina, as a wedding gift. Blue is her favourite colours. I finished the top the day before the rehearsal day. After the wedding, I sent it to a quilt shoppe to be quilted and bound. They did a great job.

My husband is on the left and our friend Joel is on the right. Don't you love quilt hangers? ;-)

This is a closer view of the blocks. Some of my seams actually lined up! Amazing. :)

Well, that's it for show and tell this week. Yes, I know, an odd combination, but when did anyone ever say I wasn't odd? ;-)

nature, quilting, wedding gift, christina's quilt, pictures, quilt, friday five, calicocats, insects

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