Here's the Friday Five from
calicocats Here's this week's installment - theme is Binding.
1. Do you make your own binding or purchase it? I make it.
2. Do you sew on your own binding or let the longarm machiner do it? I've only done one quilt that I've let someone else do. It's the wedding gift for my sister in law. I wanted it to be extra nice, so I had a professional do it. :)
3. Double fold binding or Single fold binding? Double because it's stronger. Single fold isn't good on bed quilts. Not so bad if it's just going to be a decoration.
4. Have you ever done strips/plaids on a bias binding? No.
5. Have you ever made binding on a scallop edge? Not yet. I hope to eventually. :)
And now, da da da, my show and tell Friday. Go to
Kelli's blog to participate!
Some of you may have seen my work in progress name tag.
I finished my name tag!
Yay! :)
That's all. Nothing fancy.
And, today is our fifth wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary Kurt! I love you!