I have like six kerjillion things to write and share. Such as:
. My ongoing quest to find "my" perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe
. My new system of to-do lists
. That Peter what's-his-face guy who helped me pull myself up by my bootstraps
. Blah blah blah I am materialistic but seriously I am all atwitter about my new Japanese parasol
. Finally making headway in the Ender saga
. Attempted
ADIMLs that I never post
. Rearranging my room
. Buckley's cough medicine
. My anorexic cat
. The cake I made for Independence Day (who calls it Independence Day anymore? FOURTH OF JULY whatever)
. And much, much more!
Like I said: a KERJILLION.
Also, I had a phone conversation last night with the Miss Prism to my Cecily. Hot dog! We're going to have a rug and pretty things on our walls and indirect lighting and neither of us will ever turn the thermostat up to ninety and leave it there when we go to class! Being roommates is going to rock rock on.
Also I need to consider my goals and ambitions for the coming semester. One that I will share now: cook and bake more often! This is probably a stupid goal because cooking and baking means I have to buy more stuff which costs money I probably won't have. Nonetheless, it makes me so happy when I go to class bearing a plateful of brownies or cookies or something and people go "TREAT!" and get all excited and silly, or when I surprise gatherings of friends with a cake or something. P.S., this hardly ever happens because I am lazy and frequently have not the funds, either. But it's so much fun. I like to use making-food-for-people as a love language.
Oh wait. Danimal is diabetic now.
Problem solved.
Anyway. I will write more about those kerjillion things when I collect my thoughts (and images and whatnot) more successfully. Now I am going to brush my teeth and take out my contact lenses and sit in bed switching around among The Outsiders and Roethke's poetry and Love is a Special Way of Feeling and Spiderwick's field guide until I either A) hear from B., B) send B. a message saying "Balhgsogf I miss your face you loser" if I don't hear from him*, or C) pass out asleep.
* Currently the beau is working at a summer camp several states away, and it is all tres sad because whereas we used to talk daily, now he only has time to call a couple times a week. But it's a Good Thing for him to do, and it's really not so bad as it could be, so I'm just counting down weeks (and spamming his inbox with messages every other day though I know he doesn't have time to check the Internets every day). This is probably good for me too, as I tend to be pathetically dependent on EVERYONE in my life, so surely I will learn from this. Whatever, I am saying stupid things, I'm going to go nest and read.
P.S. AUGH. I had that stupid "Pour some sugar on me" song stuck in my head all night, then it finally went away (actually changed to something else). But when I noticed that it had changed, I then thought about how it had changed, which of course brought the first song back. AUGH. Now they're battling for control of my brain. I vote for the "my deja vu" whatever song, and I am far too lazy to look up which accents go where in deja vu (I always forget), so I shan't use any at all.