Okay, time to play catch-up!
So my first week without The Importance of Being Earnest was like dragging myself through so much mud. Very sad and very, very lonely, as my angsty emo entries as of late have indicated. Especially when Friday evening rolled around, I was just so unbearably sad and lonely, especially when I thought of how the entire week-end stretched before me with naught to do but sit alone in my room.
To cheer myself up, I went on Friday night to an improv group which was performing at the student center. When I walked in I saw the sweet and darling Malaysian girl from Alaska, who I have not mentioned before, but she was my buddy during orientation week-end. We always hung out for whatever reason. She waved me over, so I sat with her and the girl from Jupiter (Florida!), both of whom I like but never really get to see, and it was far better than sitting alone. And the improv guys were great, it was a lovely time.
Also, after the show was over I heard a cry of "Cecily!" and my heart quite leapt. (It was Jack, and he gave me a big hug and we talked about improv and Earnest, hoo-rah.)
Still, as I was walking back to my room le old sadness came down again. Leanor and Mediocre Man and Meg and other such folks were coming back from the band concert and laughing up the stairs and making plans to go get ice cream, and I whimpered internally and thought, "Oh, that would be so much fun." But I loathe inviting myself to things, so I scurried back to my room. However, as I was walking down the hall to make a cup of tea, Meg & Co. sucked me into their whirlwind and said, "Rebecca! Come get ice cream with us!"
Me: I love you guys more than Pippin.
And still we accumulated more people! It was insane. We were the largest of groups, tromping off through the night with our umbrellas (it was around ten o'clock by now) and just talking talking talking. Every step was literally so much fun.
This ice cream place we went to was also apparently a restaurant, but we mostly just had the ice cream (Leanor and Ju Li had chili cheese fries that smelled quite good). I chose buckeye flavor because hello, peanut butter and ice cream? Heck yes.
When we got back, Leanor had me listen to the most beautiful song ever (something about swans, by... Loreen McKinnet? Something along those lines) and let me borrow Miyazaki movies. Oh, love.
Saturday morning I awoke rather late, ate brunch alone, and spent a bunch of time trying (and failing) to do homework. I moped, did laundry (I am rationing laundry again because I desperately need more quarters), and then after dinner went over to the comm building to practice my speeches. As I was flipping out over the fact that my informative speech is running drastically long, my phone made a ringing noise. T'was Gwendolyn!
Gwen: What are you doing tonight?
Me: Oh, those exciting things known as laundry and sitting alone in my room reading a book.
Gwen: Want to help with the haunted house?
It is apparently tradition (except for last year) to turn the fine arts building into a haunted house on pre-Halloween weekened. I had intended to attend the informational meeting on Thursday night so that I might help out, but due to various social anxieties I chickened out and didn't go. So when Liz called I was quite delighted! I scurried on over to the fine arts building, and when I came inside Miss H. spied me and said, "You get to be a zombie."
To be specific, I was one of two zombie actresses. Zack-From-Upstairs was our director, and he was terrible, so we attacked him with the intention of tearing open his head, or something like that. I did my best to be scary about it, considering what a cheesy concept it was.
But it was fun fun fun on a stick. I found myself the best costume ever, I wanted to keep it - this long brown skirt and some type of top that I can't quite describe, it was sort of like half a dress, but it was amazing for these reasons:
. I found it utterly at random.
. I have wanted to own and wear something like it basically forever.
. When I pulled it out of the box, I looked at it once and knew it would fit me perfectly.
. The thing fit like a glove.
And I went about in bare feet, and my hair was messily braided, and all together I felt like a dead prairie-girl Oregon-trail maiden. I wish I had pictures. I wanted to keep my costume forever.
I miraculously escaped a loss of voice after screaming for the better part of four hours, but I do have the most fantastic bruises and bumps all over my shins and knees (from tackling Zack-From-Upstairs to the ground for the better part of four hours). Somehow this (the bruising) makes me feel accomplished. Oh my strange psychological processes.
Other good things:
. Sunday night book study was wonderful, if very very long (three hours oh my goodness).
. I was in fairly good spirits all day Monday, despite the fact that Mondays are bad days in general.
. To top off Monday, I shirked homework and went to Gwendolyn's!
Last night's movie was Bridget Jones' Diary. Another one off the list! And I got there at nine last night, which is about two hours earlier than our movie-parties usually begin. Thus I thought, "Yays, I will be home by half past eleven at the latest and into bed!" But we sat about and talked for quite a long time, mostly about A) Earnest, as per usual and B) how we really shouldn't watch movies like Bridget read books like Pride and Prejudice because they make us think, "Oh Bridget, I'm just like you... except without a Mark Darcy. Or even a Daniel Cleaver. Eugh!" But yeah. All good times.
Today I woke up at 9.34am, when I have class at 9.30am. I tried to make it late but did not make it at all. Alas. I kind of don't care, which shocks me to my core because I always care about such things.
Also, I have reached a new low: I hugged a step today. Mediocre Man and I were building steps for Patience during my stagecraft lab, and one of them was one of the old steps from Earnest. And I hugged it before we nailed it down.
I hugged. A step. That is the epitome of pathetic clinging-on.
In other news, be sure to add
_paperdaisy because IT'S NANOWRIMO SEASON, WOO HOO. I plan to go to bed now, nap for like an hour, then get up and write at midnight because I have never done so in the past three years, and I want to. Yays!
So, I am off. Opposite of bonjour!