you can always find me because i leave trails of dishes, socks, pencils and chapstick...
hello hello, sorry i've been away indefinitely. i have been feeling quite reclusive and hanging out at The Other Journal, being all twirlygirl/mopeyface/far too introspective for my own overemotional good. however i have come to make some resolutions, including stop being such a hermit crab.
i have been re-reading the entire animorphs series, heart breaking over the truly beautiful ones and nerves fraying to death over the most awful of the ghostwritten ones. falling in book-love with hork-bajir, what's new? and i have been teaching children hokey songs with hokey hand-motions, listening to dickon and mary singing of green things & all's wick, spending time each and every night (except the past two nights when it was all cloudy) wishing on stars out my window. yep yep. and i still have so many things to do that i have been neglecting in my bookworm-hermit-creature spell. i must: try out some of those new recipes; finish in cold blood and get my butt moving on my summer reading projects; draw lots and lots of things, including but not limited to a sing up the wind cover sort of thing, finishing my hundred-year rose illustration, coloring all those linearts i have lying around, and oh yes, cassie of the wolf tribe (hahaha!); i must really spend more time outside, particularly in exercise; drink more tea; sing more and pick my flute back up; study my spanish and french; finish writing sing up the wind (it's coming along, it's coming along) and the five million fanfics i'm working on at the moment; climb some trees; obtain some nice summery dresses that don't make me look like either a goober or an elephant or both; make some mix CDs; work on my things for the SUPER SECRET PROJECT; record some books on CD for a friend, and me oh my do you see why i want to scuttle into a corner and hide? i always set too many goals for myself, oh dear.
hm hm. i have been thinking about this coming school year and am simultaneously excited and depressed. pros and cons! cons first, so we can get the bad out of the way.
CONs: easily half my friends are going to SP140, argh! therefore good-bye lunchtime extravaganzas! (i honestly don't really mind because it's good for them, it just makes me a little sad.) and... i will be a senior and this is scary, it means a chapter in my life is drawing to a close and i hate that. after middle school i was glad to start a new chapter in high school, but this chapter has mostly been good to me and i have become quite comfortable with it, and so i am afraid to leave it, even if it's also exciting. and... i am intensely scared that i will do horribly in english class. i'm not sure i can do it. and if i can't, well, let's forget choosing english as our major, yes? um, and, and i am going to be so so busy i don't know what i'll do with myself. speech scribe puppets cleaning cooking homework job art drama nanowrimo reading writing choir ohhhhh my goodness, i suppose it doesn't seem like so much but when i think about it, about how much is going to be going on, especially in november (good lord!) i just don't know what i'm going to do with myself! that's why this summer i am teaching myself to be more disciplined. or trying to, anyway. and okay, now some pros.
PROs: co-editing scribe, oh what fun, with anu, ashley, jess, john. hoorah! and, and, and speech, even though it makes my stomach hurt. and english class, even though it makes my stomach hurt. and belgium-boy will be back, oh hip hip hooray! and senior studio, choir, french, oh la la such fun. um, and psychology! this is exciting. i am very happy to be taking this. OH i just thought of two more cons: trig and chem. ugh! but anyway, the pros, also i am hoping to get back into theatre this year and actually do stuff. like on stage. hopefully. if i can chill out enough and stop jumping out of my skin, and if i can manage it in with all the other crap i must do! but if i can, it will be so wonderful and satisfying to be back on stage. i am so seriously thirsty for theatre it's not even funny. i miss it so much. and... what else? oh yes! i am making it my PERSONAL GOAL (see the caps? that means it's important!) to actually go through with this self-improvement plan this summer so that in this coming year i will be a much better person. if all goes well, i will step into the new school year with a little more self-discipline, a little more confidence, a little more self-articulation, and a better ability to come out of my shell and share my thoughts, self, every contradictory inch of me with others without being so darn scared all the time. i am a fearful little girl and a tangle of selves, and i do hope i can overcome some of those fears and let those tangled messes show. because that is who and what i am, yes? yes. so. i'm hoping wishing praying this coming year is one i can look back on with much less regret and self-kicking.
goodness. is this getting long? i can never tell. in any case, i have to go learn the songs to teach the kiddos at VBS tonight now. i have like an hour, agh. because i run the tune-up station! arr! yee-haw! etc. woo, okay, i'm being peculiar now (HA! like i haven't been during this whole stupid entry!). good-bye, see y'all on the flip side, whatever that means. [PS. johnny's album came out yesterday! we must obtain copies!] i'll leave you with some dr. suess flowers.