this morning was awful, including almost-missing-the-bus, forgetting-absences-excuse, and teachers nearly snapping my head off. but i was well-rested and awake all day, even if my ears still felt clogged (though i still don't know why) and my head was all light and fuzzy. and staying after for the scribe was mostly painless. i really should be in bed, though, or i'm going to be ill tomorrow... bleh. hopefully my voice clears up so i can actually sing in choir and not squeak and rasp like toady.
today. i meant today.
i'm planning on visiting the library sometime this week to check out a nice stack of books to read over spring break. i already have pride and prejudice to read for english, and i'm planning on getting osc's xenocide as well as a little princess and something charles dickens because i've been meaning to start reading his novels forever. does anyone else have any recommendations?
and also, because i am a loser,
[Name]: Rebecca.
[Age]: Sixteen.
[Astrological sign?]: Taurus, I think. Who cares?
[Sexual Preference]: Straight.
[Marital Status]: Quite happily single.
[Religion]: Protestant Christian. (And I prefer to refer to Christianity as faith rather than solely religion. It's more than religion, thanks.)
[Eye color]: Hazel-green.
[Hair color]: Dark blonde with brown underneath and shades of blonde, red, and brown all throughout. Hooray.
[Height]: 5' 4". I still wish I were shorter.
[Parents still together?]: Yes.
[Siblings]: Maureen.
[Pets?]: Two cats, Pookie who is old and fat and cranky, Jester who is young and clever and naughty.
[In school/graduated]: In high school.
[What do you drive?]: My family crazy. I don't know. I can't drive yet.
[Color]: Autumn colors, dark purple.
[Number]: 17. Seventeen. I like to write out numbers. I'll be seventeen in a month, that's rather depressing but also nice because I like the number seventeen.
[Animal]: Giraffes, turtles, cats, pandas.
[Vehicle]: Vans and minivans. I want one of those soccermom minis that has seats all folding in and out and down and stuff going into the floor and out of the ceiling... so awesome.
[Flower]: Peonies, daisies, roses, bleeding hearts... I love wildflowers in general, too.
[Soda]: Sprite, Canada Dry.
[Book]: The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Jane Eyre, almost all of Robin McKinley's novels, Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Speaker for the Dead, A Wind in the Door, Spoon River Anthology, The Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, You Don't Know Me, and others... Hee, I'm a complete bookworm.
[Singer]: Five Iron Frenzy, Reese Roper, Josh Groban, John Stevens, Enya.
[Song]: On Distant Shores - Five Iron Frenzy.
[Musical]: Little Shop of Horrors and The Lion King.
Do you...
[Color your hair?] No thanks.
[Twirl your hair?] Constantly. It gives me split ends, ugh.
[Piercings?] I don't like them, thanks.
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] No.
[Cheat on tests/homework?] I don't think I've ever cheated on a test. I used to copy homework sometimes, but I try not to anymore.
[Drink/Smoke?] Neither. And I'm disinclined to try either for various reasons, including the fact that alcoholism runs in my family. (Let's not tempt fate, eh?)
[Like roller coasters?] I'm always terrified by the anticipation of riding them for the first time, but once I get on them (or if I've ridden them before and liked them) then it's generally enjoyable.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Pennsylavania. Or Querétaro.
[Want more piercings?] No.
[Like cleaning?] When I get in the mood, I'm a cleaning machine.
[Sweat a lot?] Sort of.
[Own a web cam?] No. I want a digital camera.
[Know how to drive?] No. Ha, I'm scared of cars.
[Own a cell phone?] No, but I rather need one.
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Not much.
[Hablar Espanol?] Un poquito, pero no hablerlo much... y olvido mucho. Or something.
Have you ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope.
[Been arrested?] No.
[Been in a fist fight?] No.
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Yes.
[Stolen anything?] Yes. I was young! I thought the salad bar grapes were free! ;0;
[been so drunk you couldn't walk?] No, but I've been so tired I couldn't walk.
[Considered a life of crime?] No, but I've considered a life as a hermit.
[Cheated on someone?] No.
[Cried over a girl?] Yes.
[Cried over a boy?] Yes.
[Lied to someone?] Yes, unfortunately.
[Been in love?] No.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] No.
[Been rejected?] In a sense.
[Been in lust?] Not exactly.
[Used someone?] No.
[Been used?] Probably.
[Been cheated on?] No.
[Been kissed?] No.
[Experimented with homosexuality?] No.
[Current mood] Sick. :P
[Current taste] Plastic. Retainers, bleh.
[Current hair] Drying and therefore frizzy.
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Sleeping.
[Current cds in stereo] Computer - Enya's A Day Without Rain. CD player - FIF's The End Is Near.
[Current crush] None of your business.
[Current job] Lazy turd.
[Last book you read] Frankenstein, which I hated, which was unfortunate because I had really hoped I'd like it.
[Last movie you saw] The Little Mermaid. In Spanish!
[Last thing you ate] Dinner. Salad, chicken, potato wedges left over from a baby shower we went to on Saturday...
[You talked to on the phone] I don't remember. Oh, my mother. Yes.
Do you...
[Do drugs?] No.
[have a dream that keeps coming back?] I used to. Now I just have my series of bizarre tornado nightmares.
[play an instrument?] I used to play the flute, but I've lost the ability, I think.
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Not really, but it's fun to speculate about... and I love alien sci-fi.
[Remember your first love?] Never had one.
[Read the newspaper?] The comics.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yes.
[Believe in miracles?] Absolutely.
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Absolutely.
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] No, I'm terribly impatient and intolerant. (Most people seem not to realize this...)
[Have a favorite candy?] Reese's cups.
[Believe in astrology?] No, but stars are lovely.
[Believe in magic?] Define "magic." There are hundreds of ways to interpret that word.
[Believe in God?] Yes.
[Do well in school?] I used to. I've been slacking off lately.
[Wear hats?] No, I look silly in them, which is unfortunate because I love hats.
[Hate yourself?] Depends on my mood.
[Have an obsession?] Several.
[Have a secret crush?] Sort of.
[Collect anything?] Stuffed animals? Books? Socks? Kind of.
[Have a best friend?] I like to think so.
[Close friends?] Yes. <3
[Like your handwriting?] I love it, actually. Except when Mr. O'Neil goes on about how great it is. Then I'm like, "ARR I SHALL WRITE LIKE A MUTANT HAMSTERBABY SO YOU WILL SHUT UP."
Are you a...
[wuss] Haha, yes.
[Druggy] No.
[Daydreamer] Very much so.
[Freak] From time to time.
[Dork] Somewhere between a geek and a dork, I like to think.
[Bitch/Asshole] No.
[Brat] I hope not.
[Sarcastic] I can be quite so.
[Angel] Hardly.
[Devil] Ha.
[Shy] Not as much as people seem to think I am. BLEAH.
[Talkative] Rather.
[Joker] Sometimes.
i'm thirsty, i'm coughing, i really need to be in bed, and i once again didn't do my ACT application or my devotions. i amaze myself at my ability to procrastinate.