I'm not dead.. Yesterday I could barely do anything, I was exhausted (we got to bed at 6am).
I had an AMAZING night, apart from (apparently) saying something spiteful to Adam which turned into a full-blown argument (he is an actor, so obviously everything has to be dramatic) causing me to cry for fucking ages once again. I'm embarrassed about it and I hope I didn't scare anyone haha. Funny, I never cry when I get drunk unless it is my birthday. But I can't really remember what happened so thats done with. Other high/low points during the night included:
- Prince being played followed by James Brown, fuck yeah.
- Free bottle of Cava
- All my friends <3 People that don't even know me that well bothered to come, while those that are apparently my friends didn't.
- At some point being sandwiched between two geeky gay boys that would not get off of me until we pushed them off the stage.
- Being unable to sit on the floor by the bus-stop without rolling around in my rice (I cannot remember this)
- Screaming at an annoying group of Spanish people that wouldn't stop singing loudly on the bus.
- Then some Algerians, or Italians, or something got on. I don't know what was going on but some sat behind us and there were some at the front of the bus and they were yelling across at eachother. A VERY British guy (a thug) who must have been on something was sitting in front of us and all I can remember is that something was going to kick off and me and Katie were stuck in the middle of it. Luckily that was our bus-stop. Oh nightbus..
I woke up with swollen eyes and feeling like I'd been punched in the jaw, which I think was from laughing so much.
House of the Dead: Overkill = greatest game ever. It is meant to look like a B-movie, a lot like Grindhouse, mmm.
I did do my nails and then realised how utterly difficult it was to go to the toilet anyway (I had a bodysuit on then a jacket with very delicate sleeves) even without ridiculous nails, so I took them off.
Jack Daniels cake and Jack Daniels jelly. YES.
Thank you Amy!!
White people.
Thats sum artistic shit right there
Why are we doing the exact same thing??
Two-drink mcgee.
A wild Shannon appears!
I think Adam has some photos on his camera so I'll probably post those soon.
Some of my presents!
I also got an Engrish fishing game, zombie t-shirt, House of the Dead: Overkill, a gun for the wii remote, "How to make love the Bruce Campbell way" book and porn dvds (and a terrible looking not-so-Bollywood film) from the pound shop (i.e. dollarstore).