Oh America, I pity you. The Alexander McQueen stuff is blatant shite that you could buy anywhere but you gunna buy it all up because it's the closest to HI FASHUN you can get.
Talking of America, I'm aiming to go next summer, when I have finished university and won't know what to do with myself. I'll probably only go to LA and Vegas, for work.
I'm feeling so bitter and angry towards people lately. I shouldn't let it bother me, the people that piss me off aren't worth my friendship. Whatever, work comes before people anyway, and if I only have time for a select few then it is only those few that I will bother to socialize with. EDIT: I'm worried that I'm gunna blow up at someone, but I'll probably be okay by tomorrow.
Talking of friends, I don't think I've forgotten to invite anyone that I think would bother coming anyway, but it's my birthday thing next friday at Trash Palace. If you feel like coming, you have to dress shiny.
Last night we made placenta purple and blue pancakes.
This probably wasn't the best of our food adventures.
Someone on
whatiworetoday2 recently asked me why I pull "that stupid face" i.e. why do I put my chin up in photos. Well, when my chin is down I look evil, as proved in this photo. There are some complete morons in that community.