My significant other:
Answer and post your own if you have one, so I can learn more about you and your significant other! :)
What are your middle names? Lynn and Eddy (Eddy's first name is James, but that's his dad's name, so he's always been Eddy).
How long have you been together? Married for 5 1/2 years, been togehter for about 6 years.
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Hm, recognized each other vicariously by sight? A year or so. Actually known who each other was, about 3 months.
Who asked who out? Eddy asked me over to his place for a home-made dinner and a movie.
How old were each of you when you met? 22 and 29.
How old are each of you now? 27 and 34.
How tall are each of you? I'm 5'4", he's 5'10"ish.
Whose siblings do/did you see the most? Previously, about even, but his siblings are becoming more often since we just moved into his brother's basement apartment.
Do you have any children together? Not yet, but I do come along on visits with Eddy's daughter Rebekah
What about pets? Pippin and Rosie, our dogs, and Ash, my cat.
Did you go to the same school? College, but nothing earlier.
Are you from the same hometown? We both grew up in the Salt Lake Valley, but he on the East side in the Sugarhouse area and me on the West side in Taylorsville/Kearns area.
Who is the smartest? We're both the same, though he's better at insisting he's right.
Who is the most sensitive? Me.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Our favorite place to eat out as a couple is The Melting Pot, but that's a once every 2 years thing. Most often... it's random, really, Olive Garden sort of often if we're "eating out" and not just grabbing fast food.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Oregon.
Who has the worst temper? Eddy can loose his more easily, but my eventual explosions are bigger.
Who does the cooking? Usually me, lately.
Who is more social? He is.
Who is the neat-freak? He complains about it more, but contributes equally to making the messes.
Who hogs the bed? The dogs.
Who wakes up earlier? He does
Who has the bigger family? Immediate, I do (I have 5 siblings, he has 3), extended, he does (his mom alone has like 7 siblings, so he's got a huge number of aunts, uncles and cousins).
How do you spend the holidays? It changes every year. This last year we spent it with a friend and Eddy's brother and sister, since my family was out of town.
Who is more jealous? Not sure.
Do you have little pet names for each other? I don't have any for him, but he calls me "Hon".
How long did it take to get serious? Hm, a couple weeks, I think.
Who eats more? Me.
Who sings better? Me. Eddy can't sing at all.
Who’s older? Eddy, by 7 1/2 years.
Who does the dishes? Usually Eddy
Who snores? He would say I do all the snoring, but he snores some too.
Who’s better with the computer? He has more experience with Windows, I have more with Macintosh
Who drives when you are together? He does, I'm not always good at navigating.
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Hard to say.
Who kissed who first? Um, honestly, I can't remember our first kiss, it just kind of happened somewhere in those first few weeks of dating, but I think it was him.
Who has more tattoos? Neither of us have tattoos
Who eats more sweets? Hard to say, I tend to snack at work, but Eddy has a habit of keeping a huge bag of something like gummy bears next to his comptuer desk at home, and he can finish one of those off in a week.
Are you two still a couple? If we weren't, would I be filling this out about us?... what a silly question.