Oh, the decision...

Nov 21, 2008 10:58

So, the good news, I got selected in the drawing to get a Figure Print done of one my World of Warcraft characters, and my husband has determined that we can afford the $129 price tag (it will be my Christmas present).

Now I have to decide which character. I have 4 lvl 70 characters on World of Warcraft, and while I have one I consider my Main Character, she's a Dwarven Priestess, and she doesn't really make the most interesting-looking figure, my Draenei and Night Elf look cooler.

So, I'm going to post a few pictures I've capped from the FigurePrints website's digital mock-up of the models to see what people think.

Ophela, my Draenei Paladin:

Therele, my Night Elf Hunter:

wow, world of warcraft

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