Late-night adventures.

Oct 30, 2008 01:47

Marcy and I went to Sheetz this evening. I have no money, but I had a set of coupons, so I got a free burger (extra toppings and upcharges included!) and a soda that Marcy used the coupon for. One per customer per visit, you know.

By now you're asking, why is this worth writing about? Going to a gas station for food? So? Well, I'll tell you why. FIRST. Because we parked next to this red car that was running, and there was a guy sitting in the driver's seat, holding a cup of coffee, and he looked dead. We actually sat in the car watching him for a while to make sure he was breathing. He appeared to be. But he'll be out of gas whenever he wakes up. :P

And second... did you know you can put vanilla, lemon, or cherry in any of the fountain sodas there?! Sheetz is my new favorite place, because I has vanilla pepsi. Number two favorite soda evar. (Mountain Dew is number one, of course.)

Oh, also, I got a 94 on my sight singing quiz the other day! I'm kind of surprised, tbh. I'm okay-ish with pitch, but solfege is a life-ruiner. I screwed it up the first time... I kind of drew a blank when I was supposed to be singing "fa"... but we got one false start, and I started over, and I was okay the second time. :D

Also, we've been watching The Office lately. I flove it, of course. Jim + Pam = <3. xD Marcy and I keep dying at stupid things Jim does to Dwight. I thought the jell-o thing was hilarious back in the first season, but when he said about putting nickels in his phone, and then taking them all out so he hit himself with it?? And the telekinesis thing? rofl.

Still working on posting some pages from the quiz book. :P
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