Obsessions and accidents.

Jul 06, 2008 05:45

I feel it's my duty to inform everyone that... *drum roll*...

I have a new obsession. :D

It really is a nice feeling. My last serious obsession was... probably Darren? That wasn't a new one, but it intensified last year and again this past winter because I finally got to see him. But anyway, my new one is James McAvoy. :D It was a slight problem when I first saw Atonement a few weeks ago... then I bought it and watched it again, and it got a little worse... and then Wanted. :| I'd been dying to see it for months just because it looked awesome. I didn't even realise he was in it at first. But he was, and he was AWESOME. Then I went to see it a second time... you see where this is going, right? lol. I also saw Penelope. Several times, because it's that good. And a few days ago I watched Becoming Jane, which was nice but thoroughly depressing. So now it's a full-blown obsession, and I'm thrilled.

Along the same vein, I finally found some icons! I'd been looking since I saw Atonement (that had to have been at least a month ago by now) and I couldn't find any active communities... but today I finally found some. Like the fucking mother lode. I only looked at the front page of one community, and I left with 75 icons. :| Which of course means I had to clean out a bunch of old ones... but the most important ones stayed. Colbert being homosexy, the Kermit OMGYAY one, Clay's "Hee" icon... you know, the basics. :D

Well that took care of the obsessions... now on to the accidents. Last Sunday, my nana and her boyfriend were coming up to see fireworks with us, and I was cooking burgers on the grill before they got here, and I came in to put my contacts in because the smoke was hurting my eyes, so after that I hurried back out so my burgers wouldn't burn, and my ankle caved underneath me when I took a step off the porch, and I fell on it weird, and I ended up spraining it. >.< I thought I broke it at first, actually... it made this awful snapping sound when I landed on it... but it's just sprained. And it still hurts, a week later.

The worst part of the whole thing was, I had waited so long to get my drivers license, I got it on Saturday... and Sunday I sprain my ankle on my driving leg. Ugh. But it's better enough to drive now, so I guess I'll survive.

I had a bit of an epiphany about what I'm doing after college and how to go about making it happen... but I'm going to save that for a later post. :)
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