Mar 03, 2009 17:25
Sooooo long time no post? I'm sorry about that. I have a lot of stuff made and saved to my hard drive, I just never remember to post it for some reason. Anyway, the reason I'm making this post:
Today is my 4 year anniversary here \o/
In honor of that, I've decided to either take requests or do interest icons for the first 15 people to comment. So, if you want either of the above, please comment and tell me which you want. If it's a request, please try and be as specific as possible (this includes linking me to or giving me pictures you had in mind, especially if it's a subject I have never posted). Oh also, for the requests, you don't only have to request icons, I can attempt to make banners or whatever also if anyone wants.
lol anyway, yeah. If you want to participate, please feel free to comment!
admin: general,
admin: icon requests