Gerard Butler Mood Theme

May 12, 2005 12:57

okay, i'm quite aware that there are a bazillion Gerry mood themes out there, but I figured, "What the heck?" and made one of my own -_-' Download if you wish :)



* to download the .zip file, click here *
(if by chance the link no longer works, please comment and let me know. thanks :D)

Follow the instructions below to install the mood theme to your journal.


- 132 different mood images - jpg format - 100x60
- Please comment if you are going to use it!
- The below instuctions are for paid accounts only. If you do not have a paid account and want to use it, click here.
- Please credit me (aiken_4clay) on your user info page.


1. Download and unzip the zip file above that contains the images to install the mood theme on your livejournal.

3. Upload the images folder to your own web server. (ie, like photobucket)

3. Go to the Manage Accounts and click on Mood Theme Editor.

4. Name your mood theme and click the "create" button.

5. Then go about filling the each box with the URL of the image as well as the size of the image.

6. Once you've filled each box with the specified information, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom and it will take you back to the Mood Theme Editor page. At this point, you may want to check to make sure that you've gotten all of the URL's and whatnot correct. You can do this by clicking the "edit" button.

7. After you've made sure that all of your images are, in fact, showing, click the "use" button and then that will become your default mood theme :)

There is another way (I think it's more difficult myself, but whatever). It involves coding. If you'd rather do it that way, that's fine as well, but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you :/


Okay, i think that's all the info you need :) if anyone needs anything else, please lemme know xD Thanks, and i hope you all enjoy the Gerryness!

Peace out.

{Resources} {Requesting}

mood theme: gerard butler, actor: gerry butler

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