May Day, Vappu, Star Wars

May 01, 2005 13:44

Happy May Day to All! Any Pagans on the flist... isn't today Beltaine? Or is that the end of the month?

In Finland it's Vappu, which is basically a huge student party. It starts on the eve of April 30th and goes all day May 1st. Last time I was in Finland (3 years ago) I went out with the family of some of the children I taught. Everyone seems to eat in public that day. A great time was had by all.

The tradition is for people who've already passed high school to wear their little white hats around. It's nice, but as far as I understand (might be wrong, please correct me if so) those are from high school. Now most Finnish people aren't just educated, they are WELL-educated. If I were bragging about student things (as I have done a few days ago), I might be more inclined to brag on recent accomplishments. But that's me, and I'm not the one who set tradition.

I started downloading the Star Wars fan movie Revelations on Friday. With my dial-up, I *finally* got it 2 hours ago. I enjoyed that. If you want something to tide you over until Episode 3 (or you think fans can do it better than Lucas can) go watch it. My only caveat is that if you have dial-up (like me) but don't have the patience to wait, skip it. Those of you with DSL and all those fast speeds will have no problem, though. One reviewer for the movie at Slate magazine said he got his copy in 12 minutes.

star wars, finland

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