these fun rules by
Meet Miss Hunter, Peach Hunter. I rolled all of her stats and she's a really neat Knowledge sim. Oh,
the irony of that!
And this is her lovely home. Welcome to "Redneck Cribs", y'all!
No, no darling, no job for you. You are going to be popping out babies so it's time to find yourself a
baby daddy.
Oh yeah, the tracksuit, the beard, the hair - you are a perfection.
Peach: "You wanna go and make some babies with me?"
Yuri: "WHAT? I literally met you five minutes ago, GOSH, lady!"
Peach: "Booo hooo hooooooooooooooo!"
Awkward lunch is awkward.
I sent her downtown to meet some more guys but she just didn't like anyone at all, the closest she got
to any action was talking with this guy about kissing.
When there's no love in town, who you gonna call? MATCHMAKER!
Matchmaker: "What do I zeee here? A dolla? One dolla?"
Peach is really shy (lol) so all the flirting interactions are just adorable. Anyway, this is her one dollar
man that she had no chemistry with yet again. Like someone, woman! XD
Yuri is still hanging around her trailer, randomly jumping rope. OK.
This is the best way to charm a guy, so that you all know.
These two happily high fived on not getting it on with Peach and went home.
The next morning this guys walks by. Guess what? They actually hit it off. Like, really hit it off.
J (because his name totally skips my mind right now, blank space) moves in and gets a more suited
makeover since I wasn't feeling the whole emo thing. J is a Fortune sim, has a job in Slacker career
and is at the max allowed level. How does that even happen? He moved in with like 9000 cash so they
bought a truck and that old junk car.
The first baby is on the way and that means the wedding is on!
J: "Yeaaaaah, fruit punch! Best day EVER!"
They had a very romantic ceremony in their yard.
I'm glad you enjoyed watching the TV, guys. But really?
The firstborn of the family is a boy named Billy Bob.
NEXT TIME: Moar babies!