Previously on the Brightwell legacy - Thyme was being a bitch, they had to pee a lot and they had a bunch of babies.
Wait, what is is? Do I spy a smile in Thyme's usually bitchy and frowned expression with my little eye?
Thyme: "Dear Diary! There's something I have to tell you. I totally did not want this bb to come out of me!
Or the previous one. There, I admitted it!" :o
Olivia is not impressed. She's just generally not impressed.
Olivia: "Can someone take me away from here and adopt me in a house that has an actual WC? I do not
approve all of THIS!"
OH DEAR GOD this is not going to end well for someone. Those two are like horny bunnies during the
mating season. XD
Olivia: "Is that kid with no freakin' hair? We should have named her Lex.. I'm so ruling the next
Leo: "There, there baby, we got some nice braids for you, no one will ever know!"
Piper: "Mooooommy, love meeeee!"
Thyme: "Um, are you the one with fake hair? Thank you but no thank you."
I don't really know what is going on here, Brightwells are actually having a family moment. WOW.
Where is my Thyme and what have you done to her, you nice woman?!
The last baby (hopefully) of this generation - baby boy Gabriel! Welcome to insanity, bb.
They sure know what is best for their kids.
Piper: "Wheeeee, flying chunks of processed meat for dogs, WHEEEEEE!*
This picture makes me cry a little on the inside. Just think how neglected this child is, JUST THINK!
*wipes a little tear*
Failing at life winners of 2011 - Leo and Thyme Brightwell!! *applause*
Random Blondie: "This is OUTRAGEOUS! I'm leaving right now, you make the whole 'hood smell!"
Thyme: "Whatcha eating there? Jelloooo?? I want some jello toooooooo!" :((((
Leo: *is completely oblivious*
Piper turned into a gorgeous little sim. You won't fit in the doghouse anymore though. :/
Blue Suit: "You are so cute, little boy! I can take you home with me, how would you like that?" :D
You creepy woman, don't go around stealing little boys!
Piper: "Hahahhhahahaa, you little sucker, your little hands are too short to reach! HA HA!"
Damn, gurl, you're mean! o_O
Thyme having a moment of breakdown and concern about her life. RIGHT, she's just whining again.
Don't they look impressed by their dinner? Who wouldn't be, really.
I must say that Piper is one happy and adorable kid when she's not torturing her baby brother.
Leo continues failing at life.
Leo: "Hey, at least I look super hot while doing this, mkay?"
There's no rivalry between those two, not at all, noooo.
Well, hello there GORGEOUS! Isn't she a looker? Olivia rolled Popularity, suits her very subtle personality
well indeed.
Achilles is the only love these babies have ever gotten. This is still adorable, even after 2874246 times
I've seen it.
Olivia: "I totally want to make new friends with random people! You want to get it on or something?"
Raver Teen: "WITH YOU?" *almost pukes in the hand*
Raver Teen: "Now SHE'S a banging little lady over there in pink!"
Olivia: "Seriously? That's my mother."
Olivia & Thyme: "DO NOT LIKE!" *enter bitching mode*
Raver Teen: "This is kid of a turn-on, I must say..."
Thyme adopted a stray kitty. She actually liked a living thing so I decided to go for it.
Three weeks finally passed and I've never EVER been so happy to add a toilet and shower in a house.
Achilles is super confused about this action he has never experience in his life before.
Stop being so damn adorable! And your using the tub for all the wrong things.
I see that SOMEONE has his favorite, huh?
Then the shower changed their lives. Thyme was spotted being a mother.
Playing with a pet.
And actually enjoying an activity. That's one huge ass fish, EAxis.
Gabriel grew up, he has this weird little nose going on but I still love him.
Finally, just a shot of the house, just in case you are wondering what their mansion looks like. A bit
of a mess but they are still dirt poor. This wasn't a very eventful update but it happens that way! :)
Thank you for reading.