Theme: 073 - Photograph; for
100_chancesAuthor: Chey (
Genre: General/serious
Rating: G
Pairings: Yami/Yugi
HereWarnings: AU
Spoilers: None
Summary: Circumstances and looks may change, but the things that truly matter never do.
Disclaimer: Yugioh is still not mine.
Note: This is a sequel to
theme 019 - Scars.
“What do you think?” Yugi tilted the brochure, appraising the picture of the house. “I like it more than the others. And it’s a single-story, much more wheelchair accessible while you recover.”
“I don’t like the color much.”
“We could repaint.” He picked up the booklet and held it up for Yami to view. “Maybe blue…or a very light beige. And we could have a few trees planted here, for shade in the summer…” He pointed at the lawn in the picture.
Yami nodded, distracted. “That would look nice.”
“So this one’s a definite possibility.” Yugi uncapped a marker, circling the house and folding the page. As he did, Yami raised one hand to his face.
“Stop that!” Yugi scolded, making him wince. “Yami, scratching will just make it take longer to heal. And stop moving around so much.”
“But it itches!” he protested.
“It’s healing, it’s going to itch.”
“It’s awful. I almost wish I had the raw burns again, at least there were painkillers for those,” he growled, flexing his fingers irritably.
“That’s why I’m trying to distract you with a nice new home.” He held up the sheaf of glossy magazines and brochures. “Eventually the doctors will release you, and we can’t go stay in a hotel, you need a safe, stable place to come to. The insurance money is in the bank, and I want to get a payment put down somewhere and start getting it set up.”
“I hate that you’ll be setting it up alone,” Yami said.
“I won’t be alone, Jounouchi and Honda have already volunteered to help, and Anzu said she will try to get work off on the moving day-”
“I mean, I hate that I won’t be able to help. I won’t…be out of here for awhile yet.”
“Oh.” Yugi shuffled the magazines, subdued. “Yeah, I…I hate that too.”
Yami’s heart sank at the sight of Yugi’s sadness, and he scrambled to cheer him. “But I’ll be able to help later. We can go to the store together to pick out new carpet or new tile if you want, and to choose furniture…and decorating, I can help with that, even in a wheelchair. And once I’m fully healed we can paint outside.”
Yugi smiled a little. “True. I look forward to that. Speaking of decorating…” He got up, walked over to his backpack, and pulled out a disposable camera. Yami frowned.
“What’s the camera for?”
“I want to take a picture of us.”
“Why…?” he asked warily
“Because, we lost most of our pictures in the fire. I want new ones,” Yugi said.
“Yugi...I don’t really want to.”
His face fell. “Why not?”
Yami twisted the sheets in one hand. “I’ve only…seen my reflection a few times since I’ve been in here, but I know what I look like.”
“Yami, how you look doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re there in the picture with me. That’s what I want.”
Yami shook his head slightly. “I know looks don’t matter to you, and I’m glad, but…how can you tell me I don’t look repulsive? Maybe you don’t care if I do, but I’ve seen myself and there’s no reason to lie and pretend like I’m not.”
“I don’t think you look repulsive.” Yugi sat back down beside him, touching his hand. “I think you look…you look brave. You look strong. You were brought here, with everyone saying you would die, and saying you wouldn’t make it, but you did. Maybe the burns disfigured you…but they mean you survived.” He stroked the back of his hand gently with his thumb. “I’m proud of you, Yami. I’m proud to sit here beside you, I’m proud to be seen with you. No amount of scarring could change that. Now please, let me have a picture.”
Yami’s lips twitched into a smile he couldn’t control, even as it grew wide enough to stretch the healing scars and make his eyes water from the sting.
“Fine, one picture.”
Yugi beamed, held the camera out in front of them to fit them both in the viewfinder, and leaned in close beside him. “Ready? Okay, smile!”
He pressed the shutter and took a second shot before Yami could protest. He set the camera on the table, then picked up and fanned out the brochures. “Do you want to keep looking for a house now?”
“Oh…okay. Should I leave you alone? Are you sleepy?”
“No.” Yami shook his head and took Yugi’s hand. “Let’s just…sit together for awhile, okay?”
Yugi’s expression softened, and he pushed the glossy pages onto the floor, wrapping his hand ever so gently back around Yami’s.
X - X - X
Notes: I've been looking forward to this theme for awhile. Scars was one of my favorite themes, so coming back to it and doing a sequel was something I really wanted to do. =3