Title: Necessity
Author: Chey (
Theme: 11 - “I don’t love you because I need you; I need you because I love you.” for
Rating: G
Genre: angst
Parings: YamixYugi implied
You're lookin' at it
Warnings: None
Spoilers: The Japanese ep 52
Summary: In a moment of selfishness, Yugi wouldn't let him go.
Disclaimer: Wait, you
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Comments 3
*wibbles* Cute despite the angst. I love the paragraph when Yami "reached for Yuugi's hands". The image is too pretty.
I love how in the Spoilers? line you wrote the JAPANESE episode 52, lol. You mean it's that much different from the dub? o_O *doesn't remember*
Also, I just noticed that Yuugi's not standing up straight in your icon. He's partly hunched! ;__; Way to go, animators, for making his posture even less confident. T^T
One more to go!! ^_^
xD Thank you!! I wasn't very happy with this fic at all, so I'm glad you liked it. ^^
Actually, yeah, it is. xD The whole conversation in his (their?) room is COMPLETELY different. xDD The Japanese one is the thing about Yami's name/memories. The dubbed one is like...Yugi worried about losing Yami because he's not strong enough to handle their enemies. 4Kids is weird. (But they actually made the conversation slightly more Puzzleshippy, so...I can't rag on them entirely. u_u)
He is?? I never noticed!
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Thank you!! ^_^
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