Love's Dream - Friends Only

Feb 25, 2020 22:40 has now been renamed to If you typed in, you will automatically be redirected here. Same site. Different name.

In order to keep my sanity and yours, this journal is semi-Friends Only.  If you friend me, you most likely will be friended back, because I feel absolutely honored and cheerful today. :3  Feel free to comment if you wish. Stop by and say konnichiwa, if you will~

All posts are locked to friends only, with the exception of photostories and doll profiles.  All, which are viewable via the sidebar to your left.  I tend to post about doll-related things (Pullips and Pinky:St) and include random bits of my life in this journal since I'm past the days where I used to blog about my life, if at all, but I'm starting to blog about my life once again. If you enjoy such awesomeness, have fun!


intro, info, friends

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