Aug 27, 2005 19:22
As most of you know I have been painfully training for the LA marathon. I am amazed at the increase in my abilities. I have gotten to a place where I can comfortably run five miles. I have fallen in love with running and coming home spent and tired and sweaty and awesome.
I also have what the world refers to as “fallen” arches, or flat feet. I’ve worn inserts in my running shoes for about two years now, to correct for my anatomies short comings. Everything I read has stressed the importance of buying new shoes when your old ones have 400 miles or so on them…or if they are worn down. I knew my shoes were on their last leg…they have warn through on spots, and my knees were starting to hurt because my heel was striking crooked. I was trying to wait until Sept 10th when I would be home for a week to buy new ones for my birthday. So I shifted my inserts a bit to the side, so that my heels wouldn’t be crooked and my knees wouldn’t hurt and I went on a five miler.
I came home alright…Around 10pm I went pee and my feet felt kinda stiff but I thought nothing of it. At 4 am I woke up to pee, stepped on the ground and almost collapsed because my feet couldn’t support the weight of my body. I crawled to the bathroom and came back to bed crying. It hurt worse than anything I’ve ever experienced. I ended up calling my mom at 4:30am because I couldn’t sleep and they were throbbing and causing me to have massive muscle spasms. I took a ton of advil and tried to sleep.
Upon waking up my left foot was so swollen that I couldn’t see the tendons in my foot or my big toe’s joint, and I couldn’t move my toes. Everytime my heart beat my whole leg spasmed and caused me to bend over in pain. My best friend here, Matthew…the hero of my life, came over at 9am and carried me to his car where we headed to health services.
There the dr. told me that running was the worse sport I could have ever chosen, and that I wouldn’t be able to run until I felt absolutely no pain, probably a 10 day process. She also told me that I might not be able to do the marathon. I think I hate her…So for the past two days I have been sitting in my room with my leg on my desk, icing and taking soo much advil that if I cut myself I would bleed forever. I can almost weight bare now…Im psyched.
In the midst of this gross, depressive, painful experience my mom called me back. I had just talked to her…but my phone wouldn’t let me answer. It still wont let me answer. My phone and my foot are inherently linked together and now they are both dead. It is soo lame. Being stuck in your room with AIM as your only venue of communication is on par with the lamest thing ever!
On the plus side I am soo caught up with homework…and I ate a lot…as if I needed to do any more of that. Anyways…ya’ll should email me because I can’t call you…
PS…my birthday’s in less than a month. SOO psyched!