Jun 26, 2006 17:54
I'm happy because I got a 91 on my macro exam. I got 16 additonal points, but even if I didn't, I would of had a 75 and would have been perfectly happy. Sociology is over tomorrow. Macro final is Thursday. Kinda nervous for Macro, as usual. Maybe economics if my forte afterall. :-)
I sat in traffic on 78 because their was a major accident between a car and a truck. Went to TJ Maxx and bought 1 lb arm weights and a purple shirt. Went to radio shack and bought head phones. I'm going to go back to TJ Maxx and buy yoga and pilates DVDs that I looked up online. They look like fun!
I stayed the same weight as yesterday. I ate like an asshole today. It's sad. I wish I indulge so much in my dinner. I have a lot of working out to do tonight to make up for that.
My two favorite shows are on tonight - Treasure Hunters and Hell's Kitchen. I'm way excited. I have nothing better to do with my life. It's all good though, it's all good.