Title: Give in to Me
Characters: Kris Allen and Adam Lambert
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort. Aftermath of a tragic accident where Katy dies, car accident, possibly drunk driving. Kris blames himself for whatever reason. He's become emotionally numb, hasn't been able to mourn or cry and wants to feel something again. He wants Adam to fuck him, he wants it to be painful. Afterward, Kris breaks down and finally cries and mourns. Adam comforts him, your call if they have sex again, this time gentle and loving.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7040
Warnings: Biting, Fingering, Epic amounts of angst
Beta Readers:
boston_princessNotes: For
ai_kinkmeme’s Kink Meme #1. This may become a multi-chapter? I don't know. What do y'all think?
This is not how Adam expected this evening to play out.