Heartbeat - Chapter 4

Mar 25, 2013 16:13

Hi, guys :)

So sorry about the long delay between updates this time. My life has been insane lately, guys... remember the family member on their deathbed last month? They did pass away a week ago, and then another family member on my husband's side passed away a few days ago :( We'll be going out of town for the funeral and surrounding family activities this week. Also I've had pneumonia and my husband has been sick, too. We've had so much drama and so much trouble lately, it's been crazy :/ But I appreciate your patience, guys... hope you like this chapter :)


Title: Heartbeat
Beta: choose2live
Rating: R to eventual NC-17
Pairing: primarily Kradam; some Kraty and possible Kradamaty, possible others - but mostly Kradam ;)
Warnings/Enticements: violence, blood, dub-con/mind control, dark themes, supernatural, polyamory
It's nothing more than a chance encounter at a random club - two
strangers who share an immediate, powerful connection. But that
connection will change their lives forever.

“Think about it, Kris.” Katy’s voice was soft, leading, as she looked out across the floor toward Adam. “This is your opportunity. You let him go last night, but here he is again… practically fallen right into your lap…”
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