Second Best -- Chapter 64

Jul 18, 2011 13:59

Hey, all :)

Here's the next update of Second Best, hope you enjoy it :) It was a bit on the emotional side to write :/

Thanks, guys! Looking forward to your thoughts :)


Title: Second Best
Beta: choose2live 
Pairing: Kradam, temporary Adam/OMC
Rating: R (possibly higher in places, but this is not primarily pron :P)
Warnings: domestic abuse, violence, angst, non-con, dub-con
Summary: When Adam confesses his feelings to Kris just before the Idol finale, Kris's reaction is not what he'd hoped for. Hurt and rejected, Adam is vulnerable to the advances of a young man who seems to be just what he needs to get over the new American Idol. But all is not as it appears to be, and he ends up in a dangerous situation that he can't escape on his own. Will Kris be able to help him -- and after the way things were left between them, will Adam even be willing to let him?

Seems he’s always just barely out of my reach these days...
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