Dark Water - Epilogue

Feb 24, 2011 15:33

Hey, guys :)

We've reached the last part of this fic. Hope you enjoy it and find it sufficiently satisfying :) Thanks so much for reading and commenting along the way, guys, and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the ending :)


Title: Dark Water
Beta: choose2live 
Pairing: none, Adam/everyone FS fic, though there may be some pairings later... haven't decided yet :P
Warnings: reference to rape/violence in the recent past, off-page in this fic
Summary: It's near the beginning of the Idols Live Tour, and Adam's life has just been shattered by a violent attack by someone he thought he could trust. Alone and ashamed, he feels that he has no one to turn to for help in dealing with the damage that's been wrought in his life. As the tour continues, he struggles to keep his dark secret from his friends,who are increasingly more concerned by his strange, troubling behavior, and try to find a way to reach him before he's lost for good -- to them, and to himself.

Adam stepped through the doorway into the grim, grey room, his gaze focused on the floor, if only to avoid for just a few seconds longer the sight of the person he’d spent the last year trying to forget.
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