two _kiss fics

Jul 03, 2010 01:54

title: From Adam to Kris
rating: pg-13
words: ~8,500
summary: In which Adam and Kris are not Justin and Kelly. Or Wayne and Garth.
for melvel, via ontd_ai_gives

If you’re that concerned about being immortalized being dorky, maybe you should’ve thought a little harder about trying out for a reality show.

title: he rings my bell
rating: R! vague sex within!
words: ~17,800
summary: Kris’s Foolproof Relationship Fidelity Test, by Dr. Megan Joy.
notes: for au_bingo. dansetheblues + my flist = awesomeness.

When you go out together, does Adam introduce you as A) his boyfriend, B) his friend, or C) his soul mate?

character: adam lambert, character: megan joy, rating: pg-13, rating: r, genre: slash, !!fic, character: kris allen, pairing: kris/adam

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