Title: Please Remember
alilfallofrain /
chanced_dream Rating: G
Word Count: 502
Characters: Lee DeWyze, Crystal Bowersox
Disclaimer: I don't own Lee or Crystal, I don't know them, this isn't real, like, really really not real. if you got here by googling yourself or a friend please dear lord go away.
Cliche Bingo Card: amnesia
Summary: Crystal needs him to remember
A/N: I wrote this in about 5 minutes on a plane, so sorry if there are any mistakes.
When he woke up he didn’t know where he was, the room was stark white and sterile. He was wearing the stiffest, itchiest garment ever, and there were wires attached all over him.
The word came to him in a flash as he looked around the small room. But how the hell did he get there? A head poked in the door, a young woman, beautiful but obvious worry-worn. She had bags under her eyes as though she hadn’t slept in weeks, but she smiled brightly when she saw he was awake.
“Nurse!” she called, turning her head, “he’s awake! He woke up!” she said, tears running down her face, leaving wet trails on her skin, her voice cracking slightly. She bounded into the room and threw herself onto him, engulfing him in a hug. “You’re awake,” she whispered, her tears wet on his face and on his pillow. When he didn’t return her embrace she pulled back, puzzled. “Lee? What’s wrong?”
Obviously, this woman knew him, but he couldn’t for the life of him remember her. And who was Lee? He stared blankly at her until she’d pulled away completely and the smile melted from her face.
“Lee?” she asked again. And again he stared blankly back at her. The doctor walked in a moment later and over to the bed, resting his hand on the foot of his bed.
“What’s going on?” he asked, voice scratchy as if he hadn’t used it in quite some time.
“You were in an accident, you sustained extensive head trauma - do you know where you are right now?”
“Hospital,” he choked out.
“Good, good, and your name?” he looked at the doctor, searching desperately for his name and starting to panic when he came up with nothing.
“Lee! Your name is Lee!” the woman sobbed out from behind the doctor. This time her tears were not of joy.
“Ms. Bowersox, please,” the doctor said, turning to the woman momentarily before returning his attention to the bed. “Your name is Leon DeWyze, you’re 25 years old.”
“You’re the American Idol, sweetie!” the woman said, crying harder. “Do you remember?” she pushed past the doctor and sat on the bed, taking Lee’s hand in her own. “Do you remember, Lee? The confetti and the celebration? You sang with Joe Cocker - we sang with Joe Cocker!” She was getting desperate now. “We toured the country, Lee, we went everywhere, please remember - I need you to remember!” He felt bad, but he couldn’t -couldn’t remember this woman or any of the amazing things she told him. “I need you to remember, the last day of tour, the day I told you I loved you and you knew it was different than the other times. I need you to remember, Lee, I need you to remember that and to remember me,” she said, clutching his hand and shutting her eyes against the newest influx of tears.
He wanted to remember, he tried so hard, but he just couldn’t.
Title: And When The Music's Gone?
alilfallofrain /
chanced_dream Rating: G
Word Count: 247
Characters: Matt Giraud
Disclaimer: I don't own Matt, I don't know him, this isn't real, like, really really not real. if you got here by googling yourself or a friend please dear lord go away.
Cliche Bingo Card: superpowers
Summary: Matt's piano playing isn't natural
A/N: I wrote this in about 5 minutes on a plane, so sorry if there are any mistakes.
The reason Matt didn’t play anymore was because he couldn’t, the reason why he couldn’t was because he didn’t. It was a catch-22 of epic proportions. The longer Matt went without playing for an audience, the longer he went without the pulse of a crowd, the yells of his fans, the out pouring of raw emotion, the worse his piano playing got.
He’d never told anyone - not even Anoop - but, well, everyone was spot on when they’d called his piano playing unnatural. He didn’t know how to explain it. Well, probably it would have been easier to explain if he’d understood it. He didn’t know what happened, honestly, one day he just woke up and played.
As he got older, he realized that his playing needed an audience. He was okay on his own, but in front of a crowd? In front of a crowd he was magical, and the bigger the crowd the better his playing became. Over the course of the Idols tour his piano playing reached new heights, with enough stored energy to last him through to his November shows without any major performances in between.
But now he was running out of steam. He could still play, of course, but the longer he went the worse he got until he could barely play his own music and sing along without missing notes and losing pitch.
He needed the applause, the energy, but he was starting to feel like he didn’t deserve it anymore.