It Could Be A Case Of CheatingNo pairing.
Rating: G (mild crack)
Summary: There is a problem with the AI8 Tour. Apparently, one of the participants is... not human.
some day he may buy me a ring, ring-a ling-aPairing: Adam/Lance
Rating: PG (for light suggestiveness)
Summary: probably an outtake from "Bouquet"; Adam's on tour, but Lance has found him a gift.
Lucky Pretty EyesPairing: Adam/Brad
Rating: um, pg-13? (mostly for language)
Summary: AU; Adam's a bartender, and he watches out for the prettiest boy in the world.
NB newsletter people - the above have already been mentioned in
glambert_fic SwitchPairing: Adam/Lance
Rating: NC-17 (pwp, fairly explicit)
Summary: set a few days after the Pink Hyacinth (gorilla) Outtake from the "Bouquet" universe. Adam's home at last after his tour, and there's something he and Lance haven't tried yet.