Multiple ficlets, PG through NC-17

Mar 17, 2010 20:05

A set of Matt and Anoop ficlets written for charity, posted collectively at my journal.

Great Day : Matt/Anoop, NC-17, 2000 words : It wasn't a great day.
Three Days : Matt/Anoop, PG-13, 800 words : Matt didn't actually remember the date.
Where There's Smoke : Matt/Anoop, 1000 words, NC-17 : It was hard to focus on anything else.
Confession : Megan/Anoop, PG-13, 1000 words : Maybe you don't want someone to talk to. Maybe I do.
In The Cards : Matt/Anoop, PG, 1400 words : It's got to be better than the racing pigs.
Friendly Advice : Adam, Matt (Matt/Anoop), PG-13, 1000 words : It seems so easy in his head.

character: adam lambert, genre: het, character: megan joy, rating: pg, rating: pg-13, genre: slash, pairing: matt/anoop, !!fic, character: matt giraud, rating: nc-17, character: anoop desai, pairing: megan/anoop

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