As of 8/27/08 at 10:43 pm.... After a very rocky pregnancy, 6 weeks of hospital bed rest and emergency c-section a month early.....I would like to welcome to the world..... Adelynn London.....she was 6lbs 4oz....
Here is a pic of her and her sister, a pic of just her and a pic of me preggo with Ferret.....
Life is good....
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You will be happy to know I have been feeding 2 stray cats in my back yard....
I have named them Barfield (orange and white tabby) and Garfield (huge orange tabby)...
I gather they are feral brothers...
We've been adopted by a new one, Moonlight. He's only a year old. All of our cranky old grand-kitties tolerate him - barely. But sometimes Butterfinger sits by the cat door and keeps him out.
We've been visiting Big Kitties (see previous posts).
It is a lucky number after all...
Not so lucky in the *litter cleaning* though... >_
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