Nov 05, 2008 08:28
Watching the election results last night and the elation and speeches that came after, I found myself moved. I did not think words had the power to do that for me anymore. And though the ugly face of bigotry, hidden under the clever guise of Christianity, has once again reared its nastiness in the most liberal of places, I take great solace in knowing that an entire chapter of history, where burning crosses were once a beacon of religion justified bigotry and hate, has finally come to a close in a way that only a poet could find proper words to describe.
"There is nothing so pitiful as a young cynic because he has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing." --M. Angelou
I am getting too old to cast cynicism away for youth and wonder not only how many generations will pass to ease this hate, but what new group will be singled out to replace it.