Jul 05, 2006 13:19
I feel i need to record this somewhere to make it real....to beleive it.
My life is feeling quite good, i have so many oportunites atm. Things are coming my way.
Im working 2 jobs, and i am still appling for others.....it is looking positive that i will be going to either tafe or uni next year. Haven't made up my mind exactly what im going to study. It will either be youth work or childrens services at tafe, and social work at uni.
I have long term goals, i have gained so much confidence. I am becoming me.
I remember someone once said to me, i looked like the type of person that would walk into a place and be the centre of attention, and full of confidence, but i wasn't then. I feel i am gaining enough confidence to be more like this though. I talk to strangers without a care in the world, im being quiet kind (even know teegan wouldnt agree with this, cause she hasnt seen me when i have been doing it). When im at work i used to be the quiet one just doing my job, but now i just talk to everyone and tend not to worry what they think of me (ok sometimes i have lapses in this but over all im doing well). When i have something nice in my head to say to someone.....i tell them. If i have a question to ask, i ask it.
I believing more and more in karma.
I am currently reading 3 different things. One being the childrens bible, and also an encyclopedia on religions, and another book with more of them in it. Im finding the more knowledge i have of things, the better i can understand them and respect them and so on.
Ok so thats about all for now cause i have things i gotta go do.
Im Happy!!!
Oh and we suck at keeping fish alive.