Dec 03, 2009 15:34
OH MY GOSH! I have found a new addiction!
There's a show that just recently finished its first season, called "The United States of Tara", and its about a woman who is living with D.I.D., and how she tries to survive and cope amongst the rest of her dysfunctional family.
ANYWAYS: Her son is a 14 year old, classy dressing, gay boy, and he is adorable! Which makes me feel slightly pedophilific, except that i looked him up on IMDB and he's actually 17, which is only a 2 year difference, so that made me feel a lot better and a lot less like a pedophile.
Anywho though! I had to find it through Google, cause its one of those shows that's hard to find if you miss it on tv, but all the episodes from season one ARE online, and they're only thirty minutes each! The acting is AMAZING, and its seemingly impossible not to fall in love with the characters. So yea! Check that junk out you guys!
"the united states of tara",
new addiction,
gay son