Oh... my god

Mar 08, 2009 21:03

My landlords are Evangelicals.

I was ambushed into going to church with them. It went:
landlord: "Oh wow! LOok at all the snow!"
Me" I know!! I am SO tired of all thi--
landlord: "I know how you feel, I so tired of snow too"
Me: "So, is it june yet?"
Landlord: ~laugh~ "Oh! Look! There's a day moon!"
Me: "Huh? Oh uh yeah, cool"
Landlord: "So, want to come to church?"

Bear in mind this all went within about 30 seconds. TOTALLY off guard. So that happened a few days ago. And today was the big church day.

... they said they were christian. What they DIDN'T say, was that they are Evangelica... Wow. It's so not like what you see on TV. .. it's so much more............. ok I understand that some folks sure can "feel" god. FYI the music is so loud you can feel the vibrations in your chest. I do respect what they believe. I do. But some things the pastors (yes plural, there were FIVE) said I cannot and will not agree with, and I'm not even very religious. (ie. the plane that crash landed in the hudson had 100% survivors because there wasn't a single atheist or agnostic on board.... BULLFUCKINGSHIT).

Anyway, I'll never go back. I know that if I do, the plane comments were only the tip of the iceburg and if the EVER talk about gay people, I will walk out. I won't care what my landlords think of me. That is what -I- believe. And no one and no crazy ass sermon with people waving the arms yelling "AHMEN" will ever change that. People cannot and should not change who they were meant to be from birth. To do so would simply betray their souls.

I don't..... I will try not to think less of my landlords, who really are nice (intrusive) people, for where they choose to place their beliefs. But I will not go to church with them again, and be in the midst of such a narrow minded group of people who think that feeling the beat of a drum in your chest is the hand of god.

They said they want me to go again, thankfully I managed to avoid that topic! I'll just have to tell them (even though I'm not religious very much) that my faith is better served in a church I am comfortable with. (not some arm waving, sinners should die, the big bang never happened, evolution is a lie, gays should burn, sinners deserved to die ect) their church.

Here's hoping I manage to pull it off! And not have to sit in the car with my landlords for 4FREAKING5 minutes just to go to some crazy ass church on the ass end of Long Island.

God bless! (HAHAHAHAA lol kidding, couldn't resist putting that there =d)

(I know I'm going to hell, may as well have fun gettin there, right? heheee)
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