
May 07, 2005 06:54

What a way to start a morning off on the right foot.

sailorstarmagic: yeah I took you off myspace because of when I talked with you didn't seem to have any since of humer.
chickenfriedprofile : you talked for 4 minutes while i was cooking dinner and cleaning my house
sailorstarmagic: Like I knew that. besides I didn't find you to have any since of humor at all. Perhaps I took an oppion too quickly.
chickenfriedprofile : then my comp locked
chickenfriedprofile : hahah
chickenfriedprofile : way to not be able to spell
chickenfriedprofile : "sense of humor"
sailorstarmagic: Bye, I don't care about petty little things like spelling.
chickenfriedprofile : makes you sound like a moron, but thats a given. die in a fire.
sailorstarmagic: fuck you.

His myspace account

I am not in the mood... Damn Spelling Nazi's like I really give a fuck about spelling in a casual conversation.
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