Nov 08, 2008 14:45

... okay, it's official, we're dorks.
winging-away and I have a complete Mary Sue built up. To put in a joke-rewrite that'll never, ever get written of our big, epic, dark pokemon fanfiction, Tempest.
It's actually kind of disturbing how much detail we put -- all EXCEEDINGLY MARY-SUEISH -- into her. I'll post her mary sue litmus test results at the end.

Now, this is mainly for my and her benefit, just so we have a "concrete" archive. But feel free to facepalm over it.
We have a fake-author for her-- bare-bones, typical stuff. Adores the character, defends her, highschooler girl, wishes she could be like her, etc. And we take some assumptions (we'll never write her, but you KNOW she'll get a lot of description, etc.), just for lulz.

Okay, okay.
We actually held back on the name, comparatively; she doesn't have a last name (or mulitple, multiple middle names) yet. Her first name? Purity. Yeah, gag away.

If I recall, her team consists of mew (starter), a shiny rukario, a pikachu, lugia, shaymin, and we're missing her sixth pokemon. I'm thinking about it.
All the pokemon speak in english (overall in the main story, there are 4 pokemon that talk-- one learned a'la Meowth, one uses telepathy, and two have a translation convention. These ones just speak without a reason.).

About her pokemon... her mew has white fur, little angel wings, and a halo (and a collar with a bell, but that's because I honestly really REALLY like those), with an annoyingly sue-ish name [we're thinking Charity or Hope or something]. Her rukario is named Isis, as a oh-so-subtle nod to the main Rukario in the story, Anubis-- naturally, she hits on him. Her Lugia is named in a double-shout-out, named Tempest (after the story) and also to go with Tsunami (Lance's blind cloned lugia). Her pikachu [whatever we call the Mew, we'll use the other name-- of the two I mentioned], of course, can break the rules a'la Ash's. And the Shaymin... hell, Iunno yet.

She's... dare I use the word? Kawaii. Her imaginary-author uses this to "invalidate" her sue-ishness, because she doesn't have big boobs or anything. Considering, she's probably around the 16-18 mark.
Her hair is pink with blonde highlights-- completely natural of course. It reaches her waist. Her eyes are naturally purple.
She has eevee ears and an eevee tail-- she can change into an eevee at will, and she has a necklace that allows her to evolve into any eeveelution and back again any time she wants. She can also see people's "True Souls" (read: their Pokemon Mystery Dungeon forms. It's a long story, but both of our protagonists have been turned into them-- mine a cubone-to-marowak and hers a charmander-to-charmeleon-to-charizard) and can read minds (but she never does, she's too nice). Oh, and she can use her pokemon abilities, no matter which pokemon form she was in last, when she's human.

She sings. A lot. And she can charm people with her voice. Her singing also has healing powers (like, "she heals the eyes of a blind pokemon". Yes, this is supposed to be a bad Jesus allegory). GASP! She can't die, either, because she's part of a prophecy revolving around having the soul of a dead Sytarian legendary.

When her kind mother died she was abused by her dad, then he died and for some bloody reason she felt bad and guilty about it even if it wasn't her fault. OH YEAH AND SHE WAS RAPED. (This is just a triple-blow to three of the big characters...) These things make said three characters sympathize with her.
Did I mention that she makes characters, human and pokemon, regardless of sexuality (gay, straight, and yes, ASEXUAL CHARACTERS), squabble over her? Even the antagonists?

Pokemon (even Sytarian ones, like nasty virus-infected ones) are attracted to her and never dream of hurting her. Naturally, she can talk to them and understand them. For all I know, she may even be able to cure the Virus with a touch. I'll have to pitch that to (*).

Of course, she can beat Lance and Asterik (our main characters) in a double-battle singlehandedly without breaking a sweat. And she has all the badges from everywhere she's been, and she could be champion easily everywhere she's been but she always turns the job down.

She gets Eggs from all of the Sytarian Dragons (Draian, Isathiel, and Dorashi), because there just happen to be two of all three (even though it's firmly established that each dragon only has ONE egg by the end of the story, and who they go to is set in stone). Oh yeah, and when a character dies in the real story, she saves him by dying but then comes back to life. Lawl.

Okay, seriously, I'm gonna stop, my head hurts.

("Cutoff is #" means "the score at which the quiz says that the sue should be killed dead)

The Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test:
137 (cutoff is 50)

Pokemon Mary-Sue Litmus Test 1:
180 (cutoff is 60)

Pokemon Mary-Sue Litmus Test 2:
Because this one had a very odd scoring system, I'm just crunching up the various categories and posting as-is.)
Self-Insertion: 8 (Sueness: Low)
Favoritism: 19 (Sueness: ARGH)
Speshulness: 156 (Sueness: ARGH)
Perfection: 123 (Sueness: ARGH)
Luck: 37 (Sueness: ARGH)
Background: 30 (Sueness: Some)
Holier than Thou: 44 (Sueness: High)

Pokemon Mary-Sue Litmus Test 3:
73 (Cutoff is 35)

Pokemon Mary-Sue Litmus Test 4:
(The scoring wasn't quite clear, so I just added 1 point for everything that didn't have a special points tag.)

wow i'm a dork

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