Feb 19, 2004 18:38
The dance was pretty fun. I took Tempest like I said I would. I got her some flowers too. It was nice. Up until then...
I caught her in the bathroom. She was snorting. She told me she was just too weak to stay sober. Even after she almost died only like three weeks ago from the stuff. She handed me some and told me to do it with her. I held the floo powder in my hand. I started shaking really bad. I wanted to have some so bad. But I passed the test. I passed it. I poured the stuff down the sink. I told her she sick and needed help and walked out of the girls bathroom. I was about to leave when I heard someone scream. I don't know who it was. There were lots of girls I knew running out of the bathroom. So I ran back in there and Tempest was laying on the floor convulsing. Her eyes were rolled in the back of her head and she had white stuff foaming out of her mouth and her nose was gushing blood. I didn't know what to do. I just grabbed her up into my arms and took her to Mungo's. Which is where she was pronounced dead ten minutes later.
After seeing that first hand, I realize how stupid I was. I realize how selfish I was to put Jared, all of my family through that. Even Lavender. I was a git! But I am thankful to Tempest for teaching me, even though it took her life to do so. I wasn't in love with her, but I will never forget her. I can't take life for granted. You can lose it in an instant. So there's something that I have to do....
Lavender Brown, I love you...still. You are the only one I have ever loved like this. I know you are probably getting on with your life, but I just wanted you to know that. I don't want to go on without having told you.
There, I feel better. Tale, I need to talk to you.